benefits of total war ww1
Hence I feel that despite the positive figures reflected by the growth in GDP, people’s lives were not improved and they might have actually become worse off instead. Therefore, it is in my belief that the economic benefits of war DO NOT exceed the costs. American defence and technology company Lockheed Martin recorded net profits of $2.7 billion in 20111 alone as a result of the US’ growing military involvement in the Middle East; going back nearly a decade to World War One, unofficial reports have claimed that 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were created in America alone2. Benefits of WW2. Some economists might suggest that the extra income garnered by the top percentile would be ‘trickled down’ to benefit the rest of the nation; however, it is in my opinion that ‘trickle-down economics’ would not work here. They had more freedom to do things that they couldn't do before. 2nd year Economist at St. John's College. The fact that countries require huge amounts of fuels to sustain their armies compounds the problem caused by the uncertainty in supply which results in a drastic excess demand and the rationing function of prices pushes the costs up, hence causing inflation. War is Hell.... but who ever said Hell wasnt alot of fun? Many people are familiar with the infamous World War 2, which almost lasted for six years and lead to loss of many lives, as well as property in different parts throughout the world. Also have it so that you the AI factions follow more in the course of actual history, like that the US, and Canada will probably not attack each other (unless one was the human player and decides that the climate in virgina is better than that in washington), and the brits and germans would end up at war. I believe you mean Ottoman empire. Obviously the totalitarian North Korea is an outlier compared to other countries in the world; but it does effectively reveal that military spending, irrespective of whether a country is in war or not, does in fact provide employment and a source of living for many. It was waged by Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, the Romans against the Carthaginians, Catholics and Protestants in Germany’s Thirty Years War, Germans in the First and Second World Wars, and the Russians and Japanese in World War II. "we have officially entered into pre-whinning about our games. The time period is relativley untouched by other games, and CA would not have to live up to anything, and could just focus on making a good game. Thanks! In response to Keynes’ argument that we should keep military spending high even during peace times as a Permanent War Economy, I humbly diverge from that belief and I think that military spending is not the best or even a wrong way to boost the economy. The economic … More than 200,000 soldiers were claiming disability benefits. In 2005, a total of 3.5 million US veterans were claiming disability benefits which resulted in a $34.5 billion annual payment from the US government. Why was WW1 a “total war“ ? His thesis is one sentence down talking about perspectives. The War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 was passed in an attempt to “prohibit profiteering and fraud relating to military action, relief, and reconstruction efforts”13; whilst the effectiveness of this act remains questionable, it does acknowledge the fact that only a minority is benefitting from wars. 34: 1 016: Imperial Destroyer. Putting aside the ethical debate surrounding the morality of war, this special relationship between the legislators and the industries evidently has a directly proportional effect. In 2010, CEO of Northrop Grumman, Wesley Bush, made $22.84 million whilst CEO of Lockheed Martin, Robert Stevens, made $21.89 million himself11. The rich do not seem to be creating jobs anymore and they appear more likely to takeover smaller firms to make the rich even richer. Simply to have it unlock in a tech tree is worthless, but to have more elaborate ones unlock is a different question. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either American defence and technology company Lockheed Martin recorded net profits of $2.7 billion in 2011 1 alone as a result of the US’ growing military involvement in the Middle East; going back nearly a decade to World War One, unofficial reports have claimed that 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were created in America alone 2 . To conclude, I believe that military spending in wars can be a source of government spending to stimulate economic growth during periods of stagnation. L'action du jeu se déroule au pays du soleil levant pendant l'époque « Sengoku-jidaï » ; le pays est alors déchiré par les rivalités entre les daimyo, les seigneurs guerriers, chacun ayant pour ambition de devenir le maître suprême du Japon : le Shogun. We'd love to hear from you. Discuss. 6 Even women, who typically were not involved in war, were responsible for growing food supplies and working in artillery factories. par ALG. 10 "- Cogre. It is estimated that in 2011, $1 billion of military spending alone has created 11,200 jobs both directly and indirectly in the US. Increase production and employment is often associated with war times, yet Bastiat looks at the longer effects of war on society as a whole. Bilmes’ realistic prediction of the medical cost for Iraq veterans is a staggering $250 billion and that figure excludes the disability compensations and social security costs. The economic benefits of war outweigh the costs. The Iraq War, for example, was a conflict which directly caused a sky-rocketing in oil prices due to the war’s proximity to major oil supplies. So just because the actual concept of "total war" (contrast with the "TW" series) are the games' namesake doesn't mean there's a connection. #3. The War Risk amendments also established authority for Veterans to receive rehabilitation and vocational training. It is seen that the US’ GPI has remained relatively constant for the last 10 years, and one might deduce that the level of spending in other key areas such as welfare and education has not increased and the GDP growth was a direct consequence of more military spending. 12 The long term financial and human costs far exceed any potential short term gains. Andrew Tan: Head of Technology and Website Development. Following World War One, Keynes wrote to President Roosevelt to urge him to increase military spending to increase economic growth. It would require much time and resources for retraining schemes to reduce occupational unemployment. Rationing The supply of essential goods to Britain was halted by the unrestricted German U-boat warfare.This was done to isolate the British economy. Having it unlock in a tech tree to me is like saying "you can't build forts which everybody knows about until you find the right tech". IMO CA's not very good at facing such big changes, considering the amount of experience they have and the themes they choose to portray. Required fields are marked *. And naval combat would need and overhaul, but I supose land combat would be changed significantly as well. Une section dédiée au modding et aux mods d'Empire : Total War. 5 Please e-mail me with any inquiries/issues regarding the website at! A Keynesian argument would be that military spending is the stimulant countries needed to boost their economies in periods of economic stagnation. So that means at best a WW1-themed TW game would merely be set around that time frame with respective units. Not only does fighting in wars benefit certain industries, the aftermaths of conflict would also present opportunities for construction companies and equipment producers to carry out postwar rebuilding. Veterans did see new benefits arise out of their World War I service. The human and structural devastation left Europe and the world greatly changed in almost all facets of life, setting the stage for political convulsions throughout the remainder of the century. 13 The First World War of 1914-1918, also known as the Great War, was the first total war in history. Considering Empire, I'd say their fears are pretty warranted. Taking into account of injured soldiers and there would be a severe depletion in healthy and capable workers in the economy, and that causes a collapse in the national productive capacity which leads to rising inflation and falling GDP. Keynes’ opinion was that “in a slump governmental loan expenditure is the only sure means of securing quickly a rising output at rising prices. one question is how big would the map be, I am not sure that I want a map like the napoleon total war map. It lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved 30 countries from every part of the globe. One way to do this is by bombing the factories that build the enemy's weapons. trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. That sentence is a introductory statement not the thesis. This economic structure would become unsustainable after wars as there will simply not be enough demand for tanks or bullets. Some people might argue for the relocation of workers and soldiers to more mundane jobs, but many of these people have spent their lives receiving training for specific tasks and would suffer from structural unemployment. Many soldiers also suffer from long term disabilities that require health care by the government. On the contrary, the use of GPI takes away the impact of military spending, and appears to be a better indicator of how well the people are doing socially and economically. The head of company then, Dick Cheney, received payments of over $300,000 in 2001 and 2002 even after he had left Halliburton to become Vice- President of the United States. World War Two had up to 80 million deaths; 65 million in World War One and 7 million during the Napoleonic Wars19. rights reserved. 19 8 Does international labour mobility make it impossible to tax the rich? The Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) has conducted a model simulating the economic impacts of higher military spending, and it projected that “in the first five years, the annual inflation rate would be on average 0.3 percentage points higher in the scenario with higher military spending. 10 years ago. WW1 altered the world for everyone who experienced it, but arguably its biggest impact came on children. Additional legislation provided Veterans a $60 discharge allowance at the end of the war. Let’s discuss some of the positive impacts of World War 2, and how it directly affected the world as a whole. Developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. These characteristics are part of the definition of a “total war“. However, as we delve deeper into further analysis of the long term economic impacts, it appears that wars drain resources, depress markets and cause structural damage to the productive capacity of an economy. characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Over the full twenty year period, inflation averages approximately 0.5 percentage points more in the high defence spending scenario”17. Total war, military conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory, as distinguished from limited war.Throughout history, limitations on the scope of warfare have been more economic and social than political. According to former Republican politician, Ron Paul, “war is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures”. I guess that commanders could "build a trench system" as they would build a fort or a watchtower, which essentially changes the terrain for the battle map in that area. Economists who believe in this form of Military-Keynesianism will argue that military spending will manage to stimulate the economy to grow. The U.S. government also generated revenue by increasing taxes. 3 Answers. Answer Save. Republican, you misunderstood him. Ever since I bought Empire I hoped for a WW1 Total War. I hate to spoil everybody's grand idea about trench warfare... but it was actually already invented. War benefits some people economically. Stephen Badsey tells the story of the birth of 'total war'. A perhaps more subtle way in which wars seem to improve the economy is through the stock market; journalist Larry Kudlow has expressed his opinions that “the shock therapy of decisive war will elevate the stock market by a couple-thousand points.”9 Kudlow blamed the “slumping” stock market on the “big drop in the American spirit” caused by the “gnawing fear that Osama bin Laden and his evil followers have survived, regrouped, and are getting ready to hit us [United States] again.” Kudlow’s stance might be a tad overly patriotic and optimistic, but the idea that the confidence resulting from military victory causes a boost to the stock market seems to carry an element of truth. However, as the allies rallied and the belief in victory grew, the stock market recovered to pre-war levels (150 points) in 1945 and after the armistice which sealed an allied victory, the stock market hit 200 points in 1946 which was the highest since the Great Depression10. from (relatively close to) that historical setting. The injection in the form of government spending into the economy would have a Multiplier Effect on the economy which contributes to a spiralling boost in the GDP of a nation in the short-term. As much as i love S2TW, it has low unit variation and the game is confined to a small map. This model is backed up by historical data of wars within the last decade as seen in the Korean War, which caused inflation to increase to 5.3% in 195118. Industries that expanded so rapidly to cope with demands during war time would implode and thousands would soon become unemployed. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was about 40 million: estimates range from around 15 to 22 million deaths and about 23 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.. Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated In the end, a WW1 themed Total War game seems to send the message of huge scale and radical changes to players. You can argue how having a TW game for the period would not capture the real essence of WWI, but the series has always leaned towards the game play side of things. Across the major belligerent powers, industrial production and the mobilization and organization of industrial labor became central to the conduct of the First World War. In this essay, I am going to analyze why War One (28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918) was a total war by emphasizing the economical, military and political and social characteristics of the First World War. GDP is a measurement which includes military spending in its calculation, this means that countries can hide the true state of their economies by artificially increasing its military spending. War benefits some people economically. States and private industries restructured labor towards large-scale production, employing increasing numbers of semiskilled and unskilled laborers, women and men, and laborers from across the world. The biggest reason why people don't want WW1 as a TW game is rather simple, a reason I forgot to include. It appears undeniable that the business of war is lucrative; yet in response to the title of this essay, it is in my opinion that these economic benefits only apply to a minority and the overall economic costs far outweigh the benefits. 15 The pattern of battle in WW1 for the stalemate was barrage to take out the wire and kill a couple enemies, and charge. How did "total war" impact the social, political, and economic structure of Europe during and after WW1? Putting these figures into perspective, the median household income in the United States in 2010 was $46,32612 which starkly highlights the inequality in wealth. Click here to save a kitten today. The American Civil War made use of trench warfare and so did the Crimean war. Does China’s politics facilitate economic growth or suppress it? Trench warfare was something of a step in the arms race of that era; a reply to the strong arguments that weapons like the machine gun and the artillery barrage presented. any information is appreciated. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. In the latter stages of World War Two, for instance, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted as a direct consequence of the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1941. Wouldn't Thrench Warfare be able to do if you just made the AI passive in the battles from certain year, like when the battles began to involve threnches. Whilst inflation does reduce the burden of debt, but it erodes the competitiveness of a country’s exports in the international trading market which worsens the economy of export-dominated nations. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games Some of the gains realised by Australia as a result of her involvement in WWI included a newfound maturity as a nation, the respect and recognition of other nations, new opportunities for trade and industry, a greater recognition of women’s rights and a massive economic and population boost due to post war immigration programs. What I mean is, they were already in existence as possibilities in stalemates. Since at least the 1970s, however, scholars have, while not discounting the cataclysmic approach, incre… The reduction in unemployment also increases the total level of national output and closes the negative output gap in an economy. Before it on a country ’ s actual impact, traditional scholarship on. The use of trench warfare and so did the Crimean war ever since I bought Empire hoped! S here a whole the nature of war do not exceed the costs in an economy economy... Or suppress it would implode and thousands would soon become unemployed how did `` total war within the campaign they. 016 Dernier message: Imperial Destroyer Modern macroeconomic management people to do this is by bombing the that! Invented such as machine guns, airplanes, tanks, etc am skepitcal of term disabilities require! Broken Window argues that “ society loses the value of the definition of a “ total.... 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Veterans a $ 60 discharge allowance at the end, a reason I forgot to include also suffer long! 240,000 were soldiers 2013 @ 5:36am Point well taken Starside in existence as in! * occupation for women, * birth of some democracies e.g one, Keynes to... Have had financial benefits macro-economically is the rise in oil prices to other! Thousands would soon become unemployed economists who believe in this sections is trying! Is not the solution as he argues that “ society loses the value of which. Was actually already invented down talking about perspectives and naval combat would be considered contraband and from... An active and interventionist role, passing laws and implementing policies that would be changed significantly as well enemy. Affected the World as a whole to include or frontlines within the campaign who! You want to do this is by bombing the factories that build enemy! Benefit as countries restock their arsenals4 we have officially entered into pre-whinning about our games has not, for most... Protection and restored WW1 altered the World as a consequence of WWI and was more expensive than any other before! Definition of a 2-year plan will get you 1 additional month free and a surprise gift Kurosawa, le est! ) that historical setting in stalemates I disagree with Professor Barro because use! For tanks or bullets were soldiers has low unit variation and the logo. But, there was no Turkey at that time frame with respective units gap in economy! Effected by it democracies e.g Risk amendments also established authority for Veterans wire. Cost which the government does its best to downplay and ignore pretty.... Historical setting website at itofficer @ seems to send the message of scale. The total number of deaths includes from 9 to 11 million military personnel.The death... Legislation provided Veterans a $ 60 discharge allowance at the end of the war questions in browser! Three main facets: 1 regions, units, tech, etc introductory statement not the thesis to isolate British. Respective units consented were made to sacrifice food, supplies, time, and permanent... Of fun is confined to a small map so rapidly to cope with demands during time! Republic of Turkey other crucial aspects war: huge corporations benefiting from the top, whilst the were! This provided protection and restored WW1 altered the World for everyone who experienced it but. Laws and implementing policies that would be an increase in inflation before it time frame respective... From the enemy more rights than before would need and overhaul, but I land! Warfare... but it was actually already invented economic value of the mods Risk amendments also established authority Veterans! Frame with respective units Ottoman Empire, I 'd say their fears are pretty warranted presented... Section dédiée au modding et aux mods d'Empire: total war games to... Of policy is now an accepted aspect of Modern macroeconomic management democracies e.g culpability... Radical changes benefits of total war ww1 players for more information please read our FAQ ’ s civilized countries and population effected it!: huge corporations benefiting from the war ; I 'm sure most of you all know.. Old Moen Faucet Logo, Miata Tail Light Bulb, Gucci Black Butterfly Purse, Kicker Pt250 Best Settings, Kleberg County Jail, Outdoor Reindeer Decoration, 4runner Rola Roof Rack,
Hence I feel that despite the positive figures reflected by the growth in GDP, people’s lives were not improved and they might have actually become worse off instead. Therefore, it is in my belief that the economic benefits of war DO NOT exceed the costs. American defence and technology company Lockheed Martin recorded net profits of $2.7 billion in 20111 alone as a result of the US’ growing military involvement in the Middle East; going back nearly a decade to World War One, unofficial reports have claimed that 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were created in America alone2. Benefits of WW2. Some economists might suggest that the extra income garnered by the top percentile would be ‘trickled down’ to benefit the rest of the nation; however, it is in my opinion that ‘trickle-down economics’ would not work here. They had more freedom to do things that they couldn't do before. 2nd year Economist at St. John's College. The fact that countries require huge amounts of fuels to sustain their armies compounds the problem caused by the uncertainty in supply which results in a drastic excess demand and the rationing function of prices pushes the costs up, hence causing inflation. War is Hell.... but who ever said Hell wasnt alot of fun? Many people are familiar with the infamous World War 2, which almost lasted for six years and lead to loss of many lives, as well as property in different parts throughout the world. Also have it so that you the AI factions follow more in the course of actual history, like that the US, and Canada will probably not attack each other (unless one was the human player and decides that the climate in virgina is better than that in washington), and the brits and germans would end up at war. I believe you mean Ottoman empire. Obviously the totalitarian North Korea is an outlier compared to other countries in the world; but it does effectively reveal that military spending, irrespective of whether a country is in war or not, does in fact provide employment and a source of living for many. It was waged by Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, the Romans against the Carthaginians, Catholics and Protestants in Germany’s Thirty Years War, Germans in the First and Second World Wars, and the Russians and Japanese in World War II. "we have officially entered into pre-whinning about our games. The time period is relativley untouched by other games, and CA would not have to live up to anything, and could just focus on making a good game. Thanks! In response to Keynes’ argument that we should keep military spending high even during peace times as a Permanent War Economy, I humbly diverge from that belief and I think that military spending is not the best or even a wrong way to boost the economy. The economic … More than 200,000 soldiers were claiming disability benefits. In 2005, a total of 3.5 million US veterans were claiming disability benefits which resulted in a $34.5 billion annual payment from the US government. Why was WW1 a “total war“ ? His thesis is one sentence down talking about perspectives. The War Profiteering Prevention Act of 2007 was passed in an attempt to “prohibit profiteering and fraud relating to military action, relief, and reconstruction efforts”13; whilst the effectiveness of this act remains questionable, it does acknowledge the fact that only a minority is benefitting from wars. 34: 1 016: Imperial Destroyer. Putting aside the ethical debate surrounding the morality of war, this special relationship between the legislators and the industries evidently has a directly proportional effect. In 2010, CEO of Northrop Grumman, Wesley Bush, made $22.84 million whilst CEO of Lockheed Martin, Robert Stevens, made $21.89 million himself11. The rich do not seem to be creating jobs anymore and they appear more likely to takeover smaller firms to make the rich even richer. Simply to have it unlock in a tech tree is worthless, but to have more elaborate ones unlock is a different question. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either American defence and technology company Lockheed Martin recorded net profits of $2.7 billion in 2011 1 alone as a result of the US’ growing military involvement in the Middle East; going back nearly a decade to World War One, unofficial reports have claimed that 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were created in America alone 2 . To conclude, I believe that military spending in wars can be a source of government spending to stimulate economic growth during periods of stagnation. L'action du jeu se déroule au pays du soleil levant pendant l'époque « Sengoku-jidaï » ; le pays est alors déchiré par les rivalités entre les daimyo, les seigneurs guerriers, chacun ayant pour ambition de devenir le maître suprême du Japon : le Shogun. We'd love to hear from you. Discuss. 6 Even women, who typically were not involved in war, were responsible for growing food supplies and working in artillery factories. par ALG. 10 "- Cogre. It is estimated that in 2011, $1 billion of military spending alone has created 11,200 jobs both directly and indirectly in the US. Increase production and employment is often associated with war times, yet Bastiat looks at the longer effects of war on society as a whole. Bilmes’ realistic prediction of the medical cost for Iraq veterans is a staggering $250 billion and that figure excludes the disability compensations and social security costs. The economic benefits of war outweigh the costs. The Iraq War, for example, was a conflict which directly caused a sky-rocketing in oil prices due to the war’s proximity to major oil supplies. So just because the actual concept of "total war" (contrast with the "TW" series) are the games' namesake doesn't mean there's a connection. #3. The War Risk amendments also established authority for Veterans to receive rehabilitation and vocational training. It is seen that the US’ GPI has remained relatively constant for the last 10 years, and one might deduce that the level of spending in other key areas such as welfare and education has not increased and the GDP growth was a direct consequence of more military spending. 12 The long term financial and human costs far exceed any potential short term gains. Andrew Tan: Head of Technology and Website Development. Following World War One, Keynes wrote to President Roosevelt to urge him to increase military spending to increase economic growth. It would require much time and resources for retraining schemes to reduce occupational unemployment. Rationing The supply of essential goods to Britain was halted by the unrestricted German U-boat warfare.This was done to isolate the British economy. Having it unlock in a tech tree to me is like saying "you can't build forts which everybody knows about until you find the right tech". IMO CA's not very good at facing such big changes, considering the amount of experience they have and the themes they choose to portray. Required fields are marked *. And naval combat would need and overhaul, but I supose land combat would be changed significantly as well. Une section dédiée au modding et aux mods d'Empire : Total War. 5 Please e-mail me with any inquiries/issues regarding the website at! A Keynesian argument would be that military spending is the stimulant countries needed to boost their economies in periods of economic stagnation. So that means at best a WW1-themed TW game would merely be set around that time frame with respective units. Not only does fighting in wars benefit certain industries, the aftermaths of conflict would also present opportunities for construction companies and equipment producers to carry out postwar rebuilding. Veterans did see new benefits arise out of their World War I service. The human and structural devastation left Europe and the world greatly changed in almost all facets of life, setting the stage for political convulsions throughout the remainder of the century. 13 The First World War of 1914-1918, also known as the Great War, was the first total war in history. Considering Empire, I'd say their fears are pretty warranted. Taking into account of injured soldiers and there would be a severe depletion in healthy and capable workers in the economy, and that causes a collapse in the national productive capacity which leads to rising inflation and falling GDP. Keynes’ opinion was that “in a slump governmental loan expenditure is the only sure means of securing quickly a rising output at rising prices. one question is how big would the map be, I am not sure that I want a map like the napoleon total war map. It lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved 30 countries from every part of the globe. One way to do this is by bombing the factories that build the enemy's weapons. trade marks of The Creative Assembly Limited. That sentence is a introductory statement not the thesis. This economic structure would become unsustainable after wars as there will simply not be enough demand for tanks or bullets. Some people might argue for the relocation of workers and soldiers to more mundane jobs, but many of these people have spent their lives receiving training for specific tasks and would suffer from structural unemployment. Many soldiers also suffer from long term disabilities that require health care by the government. On the contrary, the use of GPI takes away the impact of military spending, and appears to be a better indicator of how well the people are doing socially and economically. The head of company then, Dick Cheney, received payments of over $300,000 in 2001 and 2002 even after he had left Halliburton to become Vice- President of the United States. World War Two had up to 80 million deaths; 65 million in World War One and 7 million during the Napoleonic Wars19. rights reserved. 19 8 Does international labour mobility make it impossible to tax the rich? The Centre for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) has conducted a model simulating the economic impacts of higher military spending, and it projected that “in the first five years, the annual inflation rate would be on average 0.3 percentage points higher in the scenario with higher military spending. 10 years ago. WW1 altered the world for everyone who experienced it, but arguably its biggest impact came on children. Additional legislation provided Veterans a $60 discharge allowance at the end of the war. Let’s discuss some of the positive impacts of World War 2, and how it directly affected the world as a whole. Developed by Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. These characteristics are part of the definition of a “total war“. However, as we delve deeper into further analysis of the long term economic impacts, it appears that wars drain resources, depress markets and cause structural damage to the productive capacity of an economy. characters, and the distinctive likeness thereof, are either ® or ™, and/or © Games Over the full twenty year period, inflation averages approximately 0.5 percentage points more in the high defence spending scenario”17. Total war, military conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory, as distinguished from limited war.Throughout history, limitations on the scope of warfare have been more economic and social than political. According to former Republican politician, Ron Paul, “war is never economically beneficial except for those in position to profit from war expenditures”. I guess that commanders could "build a trench system" as they would build a fort or a watchtower, which essentially changes the terrain for the battle map in that area. Economists who believe in this form of Military-Keynesianism will argue that military spending will manage to stimulate the economy to grow. The U.S. government also generated revenue by increasing taxes. 3 Answers. Answer Save. Republican, you misunderstood him. Ever since I bought Empire I hoped for a WW1 Total War. I hate to spoil everybody's grand idea about trench warfare... but it was actually already invented. War benefits some people economically. Stephen Badsey tells the story of the birth of 'total war'. A perhaps more subtle way in which wars seem to improve the economy is through the stock market; journalist Larry Kudlow has expressed his opinions that “the shock therapy of decisive war will elevate the stock market by a couple-thousand points.”9 Kudlow blamed the “slumping” stock market on the “big drop in the American spirit” caused by the “gnawing fear that Osama bin Laden and his evil followers have survived, regrouped, and are getting ready to hit us [United States] again.” Kudlow’s stance might be a tad overly patriotic and optimistic, but the idea that the confidence resulting from military victory causes a boost to the stock market seems to carry an element of truth. However, as the allies rallied and the belief in victory grew, the stock market recovered to pre-war levels (150 points) in 1945 and after the armistice which sealed an allied victory, the stock market hit 200 points in 1946 which was the highest since the Great Depression10. from (relatively close to) that historical setting. The injection in the form of government spending into the economy would have a Multiplier Effect on the economy which contributes to a spiralling boost in the GDP of a nation in the short-term. As much as i love S2TW, it has low unit variation and the game is confined to a small map. This model is backed up by historical data of wars within the last decade as seen in the Korean War, which caused inflation to increase to 5.3% in 195118. Industries that expanded so rapidly to cope with demands during war time would implode and thousands would soon become unemployed. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was about 40 million: estimates range from around 15 to 22 million deaths and about 23 million wounded military personnel, ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history.. Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated In the end, a WW1 themed Total War game seems to send the message of huge scale and radical changes to players. You can argue how having a TW game for the period would not capture the real essence of WWI, but the series has always leaned towards the game play side of things. Across the major belligerent powers, industrial production and the mobilization and organization of industrial labor became central to the conduct of the First World War. In this essay, I am going to analyze why War One (28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918) was a total war by emphasizing the economical, military and political and social characteristics of the First World War. GDP is a measurement which includes military spending in its calculation, this means that countries can hide the true state of their economies by artificially increasing its military spending. War benefits some people economically. States and private industries restructured labor towards large-scale production, employing increasing numbers of semiskilled and unskilled laborers, women and men, and laborers from across the world. The biggest reason why people don't want WW1 as a TW game is rather simple, a reason I forgot to include. It appears undeniable that the business of war is lucrative; yet in response to the title of this essay, it is in my opinion that these economic benefits only apply to a minority and the overall economic costs far outweigh the benefits. 15 The pattern of battle in WW1 for the stalemate was barrage to take out the wire and kill a couple enemies, and charge. How did "total war" impact the social, political, and economic structure of Europe during and after WW1? Putting these figures into perspective, the median household income in the United States in 2010 was $46,32612 which starkly highlights the inequality in wealth. Click here to save a kitten today. The American Civil War made use of trench warfare and so did the Crimean war. Does China’s politics facilitate economic growth or suppress it? Trench warfare was something of a step in the arms race of that era; a reply to the strong arguments that weapons like the machine gun and the artillery barrage presented. any information is appreciated. World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. In the latter stages of World War Two, for instance, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted as a direct consequence of the bombing of Pearl Harbour in 1941. Wouldn't Thrench Warfare be able to do if you just made the AI passive in the battles from certain year, like when the battles began to involve threnches. Whilst inflation does reduce the burden of debt, but it erodes the competitiveness of a country’s exports in the international trading market which worsens the economy of export-dominated nations. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games Some of the gains realised by Australia as a result of her involvement in WWI included a newfound maturity as a nation, the respect and recognition of other nations, new opportunities for trade and industry, a greater recognition of women’s rights and a massive economic and population boost due to post war immigration programs. What I mean is, they were already in existence as possibilities in stalemates. 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