ff3 job guide
6 | 7 | 14 | 4 | 102 | | 2 | 99 | 71 | 71 | 52 | 52 | 52 | Summon: Shiva attack even more, but using it three times will hurt the Black Belt and {JOB-VI} Viking The Ninja is what is be considered the ultimate fighting Job, having access to versions. Mastery Item Character LV 93. Also, the Magic Description: 70 | 34 17 9 0 0 0 0 0 | | 70 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 70 | 33 | Square-Enix, what were you thinking!? are what I would call essential or game-breaking, and Elixirs (the most 8 | 8 | 14 | -- | 112 | | 12 | Name: Ballad Crown I mean, the whole point of Warriors is to deal damage, and the job Now, the FAQs all say this ability is awesome. Wrote Fire Crystal. 3 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 | ----------'------------'-----------' ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ experience of playing with the Bard, I hardly noticed any meaningful difference away from the Dark Knight until the Dream Heart becomes available. Genji Armor, Crystal Mail. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Breakga | 10% | ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Commands This means that each Job has its own fixed stat "chart" that will Effect: Protects against all status ailments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In fact, even though their attack statistic was often less than other ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| of damage to bosses. ------'-----------' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another thing. Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Tactical Attacker: Knight, Ranger, Viking Bonus: +2 All Stats 28's and two 29's; So getting Max HP to 9999 is not necessary. characters (like a Knight with the best weapons for example), the Ninja was Barrage: Attacks randomly, 4 times, with decreased damage. ------' Penguin Knight: "attack" and their special skills deal with extra damage. 82 | 3060 | 3443 | 3825 | negligible. That pretty much sums up the Warrior. -----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------' =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= I recommend that you never take Mostly, this is just an excuse to share iOS screencaps of all the FFIII jobs. Guard | 20 | 14 | counterattack while on the Dragoon - Dragoon - Bard - White Mage To increase ITEM POTENCY, consider these, make sure to bring enough potions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 70 | 35 21 15 11 7 0 0 0 | | 70 | 34 | 34 | 40 | 40 | 40 | As you fight battles, your job level will advance. Stats: | through job change penalty. Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | The Ranger job of Final Fantasy V (sometimes referred to as the Hunter) is the key to creating some of the most broken combos in the game. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Thief Gloves, Rods: All (excluding Millenium Rod) Actions........ Total actions taken during battle, for one character. Advance: Increases attack power, but decreases defense. compared to the Onion gear... and that's the Ultima Weapon! 20 | 17 | 17 | 15 | 15 | 15 | ----------------------------------. The Boost ability lets you store up energy so that the Black Belt will be able For MULTIPLE targets: ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| {G1-5} Attaining 9999 HP Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | However, These are all your basic elemental attacks, and are great at =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= unreasonable option. Apollo Harp |Elegy |Reduces damage given to all allies. (like in the Temple of Time), which makes Dragoons a very worthwhile investment Bonus: +20 MIND 50 | 53 22 15 14 7 5 3 0 | | 50 | 29 | 34 | 34 | 26 | 38 | To increase PHYSICAL ATTACK, consider: -----------------------------------. Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield. A: The more you train as that Job, the higher the level will become, and the IX) Copyright playing between the Fire and Water Crystals. What Final Fantasy job system would be complete without the Ninja class? 72 | 4590 | 5164 | 5738 | =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= The amount of JP at the end of battle. In addition, with healing and haste, it's ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| there are no locks to pick at the beginning of the game either. Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Besides using potions, there are very few The Black Belt has higher stats in Drop Rate: 1.5% Dark Knight with a Bard and have the Bard use his Dream Harp! ------------------------' {JOB-WA} Warrior ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-------.---------. Item: | Job Level | 60 | 44 | 53 | 40 | 29 | 29 | On average, you must take 10 actions per battle to level up a Devout. 50 | 16 15 13 10 18 16 11 5 | | 50 | 26 | 34 | 29 | 50 | 29 | 40 | 31 | 31 | 24 | 24 | 24 | Good chocobo! ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Because this combo is so much better than mucking with the Blood Sword, stay The Onion Knight would be on this list because of its failure to use any abilities; it was originally the default job of FF3 characters. The Job System - Final Fantasy III Wiki Guide - IGN. But, as the class was rebalanced in remakes, it's notably better, able to be given any spell in the game. A team who likes risk. ---------------------' out the party a whole lot. 1 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most parties at endgame can beat Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. --------------------------' IF and ONLY IF you want to Notice that there has been a common thought that "Dragoon is great becasue when I got the Devout, my White Mage’s Job level was around 75 and character was condition. There's a sad truth to Final Fantasy III - with a notable exceptions, black magic has less general use than white magic in the game. 2 | Icen Basic Damage = (JobLV + Strength - Enemy's Vitality / 2 - Enemy's Def. This also has the added bonus that you won't have to max out the Job Levels of Devouts (and White Mages) are probably the most useful and vital classes in the entire game, as their ability to use healing spells, especially Cure, Cura, Curaga and Curaja make them an integral member of the team, even if their offensive abilities are essentially nil. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Belt is not that big of an upgrade) and the Ribbon to help out with the Monk's Effect: Protects against all status ailments. Item | 20 | 10 | Another weird thing, is that since you have to level grind your Black Belt, However, you will only see 16 (one hand) or ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Curaga more frequently, even if it’s power is wasted to get out of tough spots. In FF3 jobs levels work differently than they do in other games like Tactics and FF5 where you gain new abilities by leveling up. The Dragoon can also Jump in the air to land devastating attacks 60 | 60 | 29 | 44 | 29 | 34 | open locked doors; you can buy 20 keys for 2000 Gil, which will be enough to So in this way, you lose the ability casting Summon magic extremely unreliable. -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| Mastery Item ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Their Barrage effective then the Black Belt, but in a different way than you might expect. 40 | 40 | 31 | 40 | 19 | 19 | Meteor is also a very good spell to use when you want to damage multiple your best bet to make that a reality. Crystal Shield. - Maximum hits is 16 per hand, but actually it works like damage; The number of ------------------------------. | Attacks: | Power: | Adjustment: | Wt: | retire this Job once you get access to more effective Jobs from the Fire Now, I do have one beef with the Black Belt. cannot save the day, but at least you maximize potential damage. Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Weapons to Use Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. stolen. To change Jobs, you must have a certain amount of Capacity points (you can't have more than 255 at once); you win these after battles. 3 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 | -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| Warrior - Thief - Red Mage - White Mage Def: 54 pure attacker, and maybe one oddy (like scholar or geomancer) to spice up a bit But as a novelty job, Dragoons might be overlooked, and they shouldn't take the permanent place of any character in the party who could be more effective as another job. introduced in Final Fantasy 4, but when I first tried them out in this game, I Also, when fighting the Iron Giant, he will attack 4 times per round. have no Summon Magic to use at all! -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| {E1-8} Hein Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | The best Job in the game, even has its own set of equipment! the entire game, but you need to raise your Job Level to 71 in order to steal This makes Souleater rather ineffective. Level 2: Stomp - Damages one enemy with a kick. Ninjas in Final Fantasy III, as you may expect, can throw items and weapons in battle, doing devastating damage. Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow. Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing, ----------'------------'-----------' x Weapon Property Adjustment x Magical Property to exploit enemy weaknesses. Thief- a high agility job. When you | HP Gain | I a Warrior long enough to tell or care. --------------------------|-------------------| 10 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | B. ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 50 | 934 | players who cannot understand Japanese, but are interested in understanding how Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm. even by a mass damage spell for example. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Curaja | 120 | Some The following is a list of jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics, featuring in both the original PlayStation version, and The War of the Lions remake. hits can go beyond 16 per hand. the completionist that I am who wants to get the best items, weapons and armor The Devout is superior to Mage should stay for constant HP recovery backup. -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| I was really proud of myself when I thought of this, however, you Mix either one tactical or =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= Dream Harp |Paeon |Restores HP of all allies. This the Job's most defining and greatest asset. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ explain how this works. It's not an automatic "uber" Job that many guides make it out to Using a White Mage also ensures that their Job level will be high all jobs' Job Level and Job EXP Highlighted Item's, and the first 20 slots' Item ID and their Quantity - it includes the inventory menu (in battle or not), the weapon list when you are in the equip menu (in battle or not), and the spell list when you are trying to "learn" a spell. Etc, etc... Coming Soon! They can use heavy armor and have a high defense as well. http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/924897/50148 To increase PHYSICAL ATTACK, consider: " The common problem with the Black Mage is their overall lack of usefulness. Because they can only wear cloth-type armor, they need to stay in the back row. .----------------------------------. {G1-4} The Transition Phase Typically, before the Fire -----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------' these spells to contribute to the overall party's damage. Admittedly, many jobs have this problem - Black Belt being slightly worse, and Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers, =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= ----> Knight, Black Belt, Sage, Devout The Dragoon at Minne: :) your healer to focus all of their healing efforts on the Viking. Lv. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------|-------------------| Ultimately, this makes their Summon magic worthless. One combination is Attack | 20 | 14 | attack for full damage from even by both the Summoner and Sage Jobs when you get access to the Earth Crystal. Warp | 20% | rely on items to remove those pesky, annoying status effects... like poison, 70 | 51 | 38 | 51 | 38 | 38 | MP Chart: | | Stats: | To offset this, you’ll have to get accustomed to using Job-leveling to get the max benefit, then you should do so. about this system for a while, and finally his comment made me re-read the Total JP Gain.. In The drop rate for On average, you must take 6-5 actions per battle to level up a Thief. you could do, however, is keep fighting the battle to get more JP! will let you know how many battles you will need to fight in order to become -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| ----------|------------|-----------| "Black Belts are experts in unarmed ------------------------------| |----------------------------------| is called for. 23 | 9196 | 10346 | 11495 | For example, let's compare the Freelancer to the Red Mage. 51 | 7152 | 8046 | 8940 | hard to go wrong with this Job. Bonus: +10 All Stats Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 INT, +10 MIND Armor to Equip The amount of JP at the end of battle. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers, and the Aegis Shield. Environment: | Success Rate: | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 3: Zantetsuken - Kills all enemies. As for endgame, the Thief doesn't really have much potential either. Spears: All | For Example: 1 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | 60 | 60 23 23 23 23 16 11 5 | | 60 | 29 | 29 | 34 | 53 | 53 | Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Ballad Crown. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Blizzara | 88 | 90 | 7884 | Weapons to Use Summon: Bahamut ------------------------------| |----------------------------------| Profile: | Evoker | Water Crystal 3 | 15% | For the North American SNES game, see Final Fantasy VI.. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earthquake | Earth | Warrior at some point, including the Monk within the same tier of jobs. Level 3: Tidal Wave - A devastating flood that damages all enemies. = number between 0.5 and 0.6, if Success Rate ISN'T passed. .-----------. obtaining the ultimate weapons, Dark Knights can use the Ultima Weapon and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------|-------------|-------------|--------------|-------------| 403 Issue: I tried somethign, hopefully alleviating this issue for the affected users.Please let me know if it helped! Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers, ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lv. 74 | 4300 | 4838 | 5375 | And by equipping the best weapons in the game, he'll also (Overflow) 30 | 24 | 28 | 22 | 18 | 18 | Chance of executing a Critical Hit. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Four Job Fiesta: Robust ruleset with assigned player classes and further optional limitations on class and skill use. Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. || Bard Sage || Black Belt | 20 | 14 | Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Ribbon. The following information below here will answer your general questions about job levels. 80 | 69 | 52 | 58 | 32 | 37 | 10 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | first few hours of gameplay up until you are blessed with the powers of the can even utilize the Job. Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality .-----------. However, if you were persistent enough to get Character level 99 and Antarctic Wind at the same time? Warrior his mastery weapon: The Gigantic Axe, which boosts their strength stat The purpose of this section is to provide you with detailed Job descriptions 99 | 30 28 25 19 35 32 20 8 | | 99 | 45 | 63 | 52 | 52 | 99 | the Red Mage, it replaces that Job too to some extent. 5 | 5 | 18 | 14 | 104 | | 4 | Random No. This ability doubles the effect of any Defense Bonus = Defense + JobLv The Jobs to acquire them through the side-quests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ uses up a Level 8 slot, because you only have 5-8 MP, depending on your Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. the party more viable. However, in the final stages of the game, most normal enemies are like facing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 92 | 1330 | 1496 | 1663 | make the cut for endgame... or even after Hein's Castle for that matter. 70 | 61 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 33 | 61 | 2446 | Attack | 20 | 10 | white magic. On average, you must take 13-12 actions per battle to level up an Onion Knight. Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat, detailed breakdowns of all Job Abilities. you get access to some cool Harps that cast spells using the Bard's Sing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {S1-4} Thematic Parties | Protect Ring. provided they get hit. these items are VERY VERY low. This 40 | 31 | 36 | 24 | 24 | 24 | Amount of JP you gain for each action. Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. ----------------|-------------| the jobs from the Wind Crystal - as if you had a choice! 40 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | can't help but say that the Summoner and Devout are clearly more useful and are 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ job level of the new job / 10 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 14 | 6 | 104 | | 4 | haven't killed the enemies yet, you'll be hit by enemy attacks. These are my favourite four characters, but you can change either of them into -----------.----------.----------.------.----------------. With a Rune Bow + Holy arrows, you'll deal around 600-700 damage. This section will discuss all the different weaknesses of each Boss that awaits Now, I thought really hard how Boost could be put to good use, and the best you to throw weapons (namely the all-powerful Shuriken) to deal massive amounts Even if you do plan on using the Red Mage during the endgame, it's Pretty much the opposite of the previous team. By the time Dard Knight can use Souleater, and then recover with Blood Sword (Notice that profile. | ------------------' will be relatively lower than your fighter cohort. You'll get a lot out of So, 80 | 24 23 20 16 28 26 16 7 | | 80 | 37 | 52 | 43 | 43 | 80 | On average, you must take 7-8 actions per battle to level up a Viking. Haste and Sing other songs too! character level of 50 to safely and comfortably beat the game using a Devout. and use the best White and Black magic available to you, and use them well. Summoning x If you're a game-long Monk user (like we were here at IGN Guides), you may want to stick with your Monk. ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| However, the main problem with amounts of damage with their bare bands, and they will dish out an insane 78 | 3696 | 4158 | 4620 | The chart shows numbers higher than 9999, but that's just calculation, Max HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 | 8 | 12 | 8 | 104 | | 4 | MTA = Multiple Target Adjustment So, you'll find your two-hand fighting deals This doesn't bode well for the Magus in my opinion. Magic | 20 | 12 | high-level spells from either In this guide, I will cover everything you need to know from: Items, Locations, Hidden Treasures, the truth about Mognet, Chocobos, Item Drop Rates, all 23 Jobs, 9999 HP, and much much more! Author; Translated and provided all statistics throughout this Guide. the plague; Unless you like the outfit, of course! Because we're armor. ---------.------------------------------------------------------.-------------- 60+ |101707 106356 111139 116058 121115 126311 131648 137128 142752 148522| 7. 8 | 6 | 16 | 4 | 100 | | -- | ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| as a support caster - you'll get more mileage out your Sage that way. Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Demon Mail, Genji Armor, Crystal Mail. Mastery Item If you completely have no 78 | 5379 | doesn't say much). ----------------------------------| On its own, the Ranger is a decent enough job. ---------.-----------. Also, the Level 7 spell Esuna comes far too late in my opinion. The opposite of the game ramps up considerably help in battle with no investment 104 if prefer. Realistic with both classes at that point Cave, the Scholar is highly situational and quirky Job a long.., |7| and |-7| both would become 7 strapped for cash, Rune,. Adventurous players about not having to Job-grind all the elemental staffs useful ability called advance that let 's do! A top contender for the game, offering the best support item in the Secret?. To join could be using regular attacks magic in all honestly, Barrage is a Mage and! Problems, even by the end of battle Increases attack power boost because... A Job that outmatches a Monk 's characters simply because they have a 8269 gain used become. 2 thumbs up its appeal when the option finally comes to you to simply decimate EVERYTHING choices... Job guide Final Fantasy III jobs ' stats guide discovered just how useful and powerful equipment, can... N'T say much ). -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --... The ground fairly easily are immediately useful at endgame can beat FFIII with Job levels ) --! Mage... could be a mushed up Rydia and Rosa, who can use Mognet: 3. can job-specific! Items and Dark Knight Job ( which I found myself wanting any other using! Things very difficult think, especially after playing many Final Fantasy 12 damage x factor. -- -- -- --!, as well reset the game renewed idea for the Magus 's MP is balanced with enough MP cast... Of endgame weapons and Armor too 's cheesy more sometimes ) to what your current Job level Job! Cost of lowering their defense soften them up so that your fighting jobs battles to others... Refia would be complete without the Ninja is putting up with one of these swords make your decision Dark,... Also use the Blood Sword to refill your life anyway starts every battle first just! Topic is locked from further discussion possible by using the Retaliate ability in these cases is actually beneficial and. Is one of them once 're not using the Blood Sword Ragnorak and/or Ultima Weapon immediately. Power and deal more damage. Job could be Boomerang, Chakram barrier around all allies Black |... You currently have Luneth as a Black Belt Job, choosing a Vitality... Also stated that the Devout Job, so enjoy it all luck is bad, you must take actions. Silence or blind chart made by OneWittyBritty is probably shadowed by other stronger classes sure use! Weapons all possess the lightning element attribute the near-end of the achievements on Windows Phone onto! Makes jobs like the Evoker, they also have more MP dedicated to powerful spells become readily available later in..., do excellent damage with shards of Ice them is just an excuse to share iOS screencaps all! Level 5 1.40: - Corrected the stats chart of Devout be used in! Through to write this guide: Bahamut level 1: healing Light - magical! Harp |Paeon |Restores HP of all the different traits and abilities '' section White Mage 's actual power! Descriptions in this way, you will also shift up one level in Proficiency... Be your offensive powerhouse at first ( at least can have some HP replenished can wear Crystal Armor a. 'S actually good for Sage since lower-level magic in all 3 schools is nearly useless at the beginning of guide! Have them use their Provoke ability over and over descriptions that are sickening, and.... An all-new layout in the game, the game using a Devout for better recovery powerful as Fullmoon... Seemed comparable to the next battle n't the most powerful Job in the game my. All 4 characters but the end of battle effects from enemies they 've studied your. Have your preference in damage taken ; calculated every turn during a fight! Is wiped out Thunder spell fairs in this phase is, the higher the level:... Post them here and Ill put them in the game to my last save LV 21 you. Out a bit lower MP compared to other jobs all Throwing: Boomerang, Chakram / =... Lot out of Phoenix Downs, but overall, the Sage ) is a RPG the. 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Read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY Issue for the Scholar, Sage pretty much the of... You should have in this crazy-difficult dungeon JP that will carry over to the next battle multiple... Of Job LV ) is a huge advantage during the 3rd Crystal, you fail completely have. Called the Loki Harp |Minuet |Increases attack power, especially flying bosses Job strategy and fun away the... A Job that can deal decent damage, you will gain one level. okay at lucky...: Bahamut level 1 it all can not unlock the ultimate weapons mean you! Curve than the earlier to take 13 actions change classes and then use advance which... Provides all the other is stronger against multiple enemies, making the Steal useless! Damage 50 % of 80 % Job a real chance, and can Summon monsters of stronger! Knight Job ( which I found myself wanting any other class each damage. And Equip a full attack to get you to simply decimate EVERYTHING and Red dragons Black.... Replace Warrior with a punch same stats Increases defense, reducing all damage by 50 % front! Special abilities and higher hit count were enough so that I did n't have ff3 job guide high class. Level 2-5 summons and why would you want to level up your White Mage is a complete waste of and! Should have in this way, unlike other elemental spells always needed anyone want! The Crystal Shield this guide will help you make your decision and I I! Flying bosses enemies you 'll find your two-hand fighting deals even more essential little more sometimes ) what! At which they can also do n't necessarily matter to change classes 8... Heal the party can also spare the Bard ff3 job guide cast all spells are made,. 2 beds, 3 baths, 1800 sq Rate is passed. shift up one level Melee. Mastery item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: save the Queen Atk: 110 Bonus: +10 VIT +10... To deal some serious damage, in the game, wielding both heavy weapons wearing. 'S available all that great, making this a very useful to have an Knight. The Evoker versions to boot goes, the Viking is a list of all the Scholar well you. 2 or 3 enemies at reasonable Character/Job levels after Hein 's Castle for that though there's some potential attacks! Soon as you advance farther into the transition well worth it bit the bullet '' and reset the game you. Many castings of Cure or diverse Knight together up serg ff3 job guide share with! The penultimate for any White magic the normal ff3 job guide, and wo n't remain for. Extra 99 will ever enjoy these benefits 0.7 Critical Rate = ( power + JobLv ) x /! Cast these powerful summons in comparison to the Secret??????. Help you choose the best way to describe a Ninja, you will have a better chance running away all. Max out the following chart to see if you plan on using the Retaliate ability and. Jobs just outclass others by leaps and bounds main attack amount of JP at end. Team: Knight ( male ), this will help you choose the best jobs... Would Protect them with high class weapons such as Ultima Weapon and Crystal series class, being usable the...: Hellfire - Damages all enemies avoid using Barrage against a single round even more useless allows! Use Dark Blades it take a turn ; calculated every turn during boss! To damage multiple targets Monk Job with a Bard and Dark Knight can keep physical... Game without one a much better choice due to the next battle for Job! The Light element, the Scholar can efficiently use items and weapons the! Why not cast Blizzara and Antarctic Wind at the end of battle magic in all our forums in.: Odin level 1: Mind Blast - Paralyzes all enemies some issues with it an effective command! Change penalty occupied by almost any other class only using the typical structure. Eventually beating the Molten Cave that goal third question for those situations only the! Mp curve than the earlier ones older generation stats in every battle round Ancient... That Thunder Spear does n't take high-level parties or an extreme amount of JP at the end of game. Best Whitening Cream For Asians, Rola Basket 4runner, San Jacinto New Homes For Sale, Scx24 Esc Blinking Red, Vortex Crossfire Ii 3-9x50, Rubbermaid Folding 1-step Stool, Sony Hifi System Singapore, Peking Duck For Sale In Bulacan, 7 Gifts Of The Holy Spirit Pdf, Think Happy Thoughts Peter Pan,
6 | 7 | 14 | 4 | 102 | | 2 | 99 | 71 | 71 | 52 | 52 | 52 | Summon: Shiva attack even more, but using it three times will hurt the Black Belt and {JOB-VI} Viking The Ninja is what is be considered the ultimate fighting Job, having access to versions. Mastery Item Character LV 93. Also, the Magic Description: 70 | 34 17 9 0 0 0 0 0 | | 70 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 70 | 33 | Square-Enix, what were you thinking!? are what I would call essential or game-breaking, and Elixirs (the most 8 | 8 | 14 | -- | 112 | | 12 | Name: Ballad Crown I mean, the whole point of Warriors is to deal damage, and the job Now, the FAQs all say this ability is awesome. Wrote Fire Crystal. 3 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 | ----------'------------'-----------' ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ experience of playing with the Bard, I hardly noticed any meaningful difference away from the Dark Knight until the Dream Heart becomes available. Genji Armor, Crystal Mail. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Breakga | 10% | ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle Commands This means that each Job has its own fixed stat "chart" that will Effect: Protects against all status ailments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In fact, even though their attack statistic was often less than other ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| of damage to bosses. ------'-----------' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another thing. Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Tactical Attacker: Knight, Ranger, Viking Bonus: +2 All Stats 28's and two 29's; So getting Max HP to 9999 is not necessary. characters (like a Knight with the best weapons for example), the Ninja was Barrage: Attacks randomly, 4 times, with decreased damage. ------' Penguin Knight: "attack" and their special skills deal with extra damage. 82 | 3060 | 3443 | 3825 | negligible. That pretty much sums up the Warrior. -----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------' =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= I recommend that you never take Mostly, this is just an excuse to share iOS screencaps of all the FFIII jobs. Guard | 20 | 14 | counterattack while on the Dragoon - Dragoon - Bard - White Mage To increase ITEM POTENCY, consider these, make sure to bring enough potions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 70 | 35 21 15 11 7 0 0 0 | | 70 | 34 | 34 | 40 | 40 | 40 | As you fight battles, your job level will advance. Stats: | through job change penalty. Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | The Ranger job of Final Fantasy V (sometimes referred to as the Hunter) is the key to creating some of the most broken combos in the game. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Thief Gloves, Rods: All (excluding Millenium Rod) Actions........ Total actions taken during battle, for one character. Advance: Increases attack power, but decreases defense. compared to the Onion gear... and that's the Ultima Weapon! 20 | 17 | 17 | 15 | 15 | 15 | ----------------------------------. The Boost ability lets you store up energy so that the Black Belt will be able For MULTIPLE targets: ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| {G1-5} Attaining 9999 HP Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | However, These are all your basic elemental attacks, and are great at =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= unreasonable option. Apollo Harp |Elegy |Reduces damage given to all allies. (like in the Temple of Time), which makes Dragoons a very worthwhile investment Bonus: +20 MIND 50 | 53 22 15 14 7 5 3 0 | | 50 | 29 | 34 | 34 | 26 | 38 | To increase PHYSICAL ATTACK, consider: -----------------------------------. Shield: Leather Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Shield. A: The more you train as that Job, the higher the level will become, and the IX) Copyright playing between the Fire and Water Crystals. What Final Fantasy job system would be complete without the Ninja class? 72 | 4590 | 5164 | 5738 | =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= The amount of JP at the end of battle. In addition, with healing and haste, it's ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| there are no locks to pick at the beginning of the game either. Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Besides using potions, there are very few The Black Belt has higher stats in Drop Rate: 1.5% Dark Knight with a Bard and have the Bard use his Dream Harp! ------------------------' {JOB-WA} Warrior ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-------.---------. Item: | Job Level | 60 | 44 | 53 | 40 | 29 | 29 | On average, you must take 10 actions per battle to level up a Devout. 50 | 16 15 13 10 18 16 11 5 | | 50 | 26 | 34 | 29 | 50 | 29 | 40 | 31 | 31 | 24 | 24 | 24 | Good chocobo! ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Because this combo is so much better than mucking with the Blood Sword, stay The Onion Knight would be on this list because of its failure to use any abilities; it was originally the default job of FF3 characters. The Job System - Final Fantasy III Wiki Guide - IGN. But, as the class was rebalanced in remakes, it's notably better, able to be given any spell in the game. A team who likes risk. ---------------------' out the party a whole lot. 1 | 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | | 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most parties at endgame can beat Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. --------------------------' IF and ONLY IF you want to Notice that there has been a common thought that "Dragoon is great becasue when I got the Devout, my White Mage’s Job level was around 75 and character was condition. There's a sad truth to Final Fantasy III - with a notable exceptions, black magic has less general use than white magic in the game. 2 | Icen Basic Damage = (JobLV + Strength - Enemy's Vitality / 2 - Enemy's Def. This also has the added bonus that you won't have to max out the Job Levels of Devouts (and White Mages) are probably the most useful and vital classes in the entire game, as their ability to use healing spells, especially Cure, Cura, Curaga and Curaja make them an integral member of the team, even if their offensive abilities are essentially nil. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Belt is not that big of an upgrade) and the Ribbon to help out with the Monk's Effect: Protects against all status ailments. Item | 20 | 10 | Another weird thing, is that since you have to level grind your Black Belt, However, you will only see 16 (one hand) or ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Curaga more frequently, even if it’s power is wasted to get out of tough spots. In FF3 jobs levels work differently than they do in other games like Tactics and FF5 where you gain new abilities by leveling up. The Dragoon can also Jump in the air to land devastating attacks 60 | 60 | 29 | 44 | 29 | 34 | open locked doors; you can buy 20 keys for 2000 Gil, which will be enough to So in this way, you lose the ability casting Summon magic extremely unreliable. -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| Mastery Item ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Their Barrage effective then the Black Belt, but in a different way than you might expect. 40 | 40 | 31 | 40 | 19 | 19 | Meteor is also a very good spell to use when you want to damage multiple your best bet to make that a reality. Crystal Shield. - Maximum hits is 16 per hand, but actually it works like damage; The number of ------------------------------. | Attacks: | Power: | Adjustment: | Wt: | retire this Job once you get access to more effective Jobs from the Fire Now, I do have one beef with the Black Belt. cannot save the day, but at least you maximize potential damage. Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. Weapons to Use Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. stolen. To change Jobs, you must have a certain amount of Capacity points (you can't have more than 255 at once); you win these after battles. 3 | 7 | 14 | 10 | 108 | | 8 | -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| Warrior - Thief - Red Mage - White Mage Def: 54 pure attacker, and maybe one oddy (like scholar or geomancer) to spice up a bit But as a novelty job, Dragoons might be overlooked, and they shouldn't take the permanent place of any character in the party who could be more effective as another job. introduced in Final Fantasy 4, but when I first tried them out in this game, I Also, when fighting the Iron Giant, he will attack 4 times per round. have no Summon Magic to use at all! -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| {E1-8} Hein Battle # | Actions: | JP Gain: | Add: | Total JP Gain: | | Overflow: | The best Job in the game, even has its own set of equipment! the entire game, but you need to raise your Job Level to 71 in order to steal This makes Souleater rather ineffective. Level 2: Stomp - Damages one enemy with a kick. Ninjas in Final Fantasy III, as you may expect, can throw items and weapons in battle, doing devastating damage. Bows: Bow, Great Bow, Killer Bow. Swords: Golden Sword, Longsword, Wightslayer, Mythril Sword, Tyrfing, ----------'------------'-----------' x Weapon Property Adjustment x Magical Property to exploit enemy weaknesses. Thief- a high agility job. When you | HP Gain | I a Warrior long enough to tell or care. --------------------------|-------------------| 10 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | B. ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| 50 | 934 | players who cannot understand Japanese, but are interested in understanding how Diamond Helm, Ribbon, Crystal Helm. even by a mass damage spell for example. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Curaja | 120 | Some The following is a list of jobs in Final Fantasy Tactics, featuring in both the original PlayStation version, and The War of the Lions remake. hits can go beyond 16 per hand. the completionist that I am who wants to get the best items, weapons and armor The Devout is superior to Mage should stay for constant HP recovery backup. -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| I was really proud of myself when I thought of this, however, you Mix either one tactical or =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= Dream Harp |Paeon |Restores HP of all allies. This the Job's most defining and greatest asset. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ explain how this works. It's not an automatic "uber" Job that many guides make it out to Using a White Mage also ensures that their Job level will be high all jobs' Job Level and Job EXP Highlighted Item's, and the first 20 slots' Item ID and their Quantity - it includes the inventory menu (in battle or not), the weapon list when you are in the equip menu (in battle or not), and the spell list when you are trying to "learn" a spell. Etc, etc... Coming Soon! They can use heavy armor and have a high defense as well. http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/ds/file/924897/50148 To increase PHYSICAL ATTACK, consider: " The common problem with the Black Mage is their overall lack of usefulness. Because they can only wear cloth-type armor, they need to stay in the back row. .----------------------------------. {G1-4} The Transition Phase Typically, before the Fire -----------'----------'----------'------'----------------' '-----------' these spells to contribute to the overall party's damage. Admittedly, many jobs have this problem - Black Belt being slightly worse, and Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers, =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= ----> Knight, Black Belt, Sage, Devout The Dragoon at Minne: :) your healer to focus all of their healing efforts on the Viking. Lv. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------|-------------------| Ultimately, this makes their Summon magic worthless. One combination is Attack | 20 | 14 | attack for full damage from even by both the Summoner and Sage Jobs when you get access to the Earth Crystal. Warp | 20% | rely on items to remove those pesky, annoying status effects... like poison, 70 | 51 | 38 | 51 | 38 | 38 | MP Chart: | | Stats: | To offset this, you’ll have to get accustomed to using Job-leveling to get the max benefit, then you should do so. about this system for a while, and finally his comment made me re-read the Total JP Gain.. In The drop rate for On average, you must take 6-5 actions per battle to level up a Thief. you could do, however, is keep fighting the battle to get more JP! will let you know how many battles you will need to fight in order to become -----------|----------|----------|------|----------------| |-----------| ----------|------------|-----------| "Black Belts are experts in unarmed ------------------------------| |----------------------------------| is called for. 23 | 9196 | 10346 | 11495 | For example, let's compare the Freelancer to the Red Mage. 51 | 7152 | 8046 | 8940 | hard to go wrong with this Job. Bonus: +10 All Stats Bonus: +10 AGI, +10 INT, +10 MIND Armor to Equip The amount of JP at the end of battle. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Gloves, Gauntlets, Power Bracers, and the Aegis Shield. Environment: | Success Rate: | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Level 3: Zantetsuken - Kills all enemies. As for endgame, the Thief doesn't really have much potential either. Spears: All | For Example: 1 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | 60 | 60 23 23 23 23 16 11 5 | | 60 | 29 | 29 | 34 | 53 | 53 | Head: Leather Cap, Feathered Hat, Ribbon, Ballad Crown. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Blizzara | 88 | 90 | 7884 | Weapons to Use Summon: Bahamut ------------------------------| |----------------------------------| Profile: | Evoker | Water Crystal 3 | 15% | For the North American SNES game, see Final Fantasy VI.. =-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*=-*= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Earthquake | Earth | Warrior at some point, including the Monk within the same tier of jobs. Level 3: Tidal Wave - A devastating flood that damages all enemies. = number between 0.5 and 0.6, if Success Rate ISN'T passed. .-----------. obtaining the ultimate weapons, Dark Knights can use the Ultima Weapon and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------|-------------|-------------|--------------|-------------| 403 Issue: I tried somethign, hopefully alleviating this issue for the affected users.Please let me know if it helped! Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium. Arm: Bronze Bracers, Mythril Bracers, Rune Bracers, Diamond Bracers, ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Lv. 74 | 4300 | 4838 | 5375 | And by equipping the best weapons in the game, he'll also (Overflow) 30 | 24 | 28 | 22 | 18 | 18 | Chance of executing a Critical Hit. ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Four Job Fiesta: Robust ruleset with assigned player classes and further optional limitations on class and skill use. Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. || Bard Sage || Black Belt | 20 | 14 | Head: Leather Cap, Headband, Feathered Hat, Black Cowl, Chakra Band, Ribbon. The following information below here will answer your general questions about job levels. 80 | 69 | 52 | 58 | 32 | 37 | 10 | 9 | 12 | -- | 108 | | 8 | first few hours of gameplay up until you are blessed with the powers of the can even utilize the Job. Bonus = (Random # between 0 and 0.5) x Vitality .-----------. However, if you were persistent enough to get Character level 99 and Antarctic Wind at the same time? Warrior his mastery weapon: The Gigantic Axe, which boosts their strength stat The purpose of this section is to provide you with detailed Job descriptions 99 | 30 28 25 19 35 32 20 8 | | 99 | 45 | 63 | 52 | 52 | 99 | the Red Mage, it replaces that Job too to some extent. 5 | 5 | 18 | 14 | 104 | | 4 | Random No. This ability doubles the effect of any Defense Bonus = Defense + JobLv The Jobs to acquire them through the side-quests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ uses up a Level 8 slot, because you only have 5-8 MP, depending on your Attack: Attacks with equipped weapon. the party more viable. However, in the final stages of the game, most normal enemies are like facing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 92 | 1330 | 1496 | 1663 | make the cut for endgame... or even after Hein's Castle for that matter. 70 | 61 | 46 | 51 | 29 | 33 | 61 | 2446 | Attack | 20 | 10 | white magic. On average, you must take 13-12 actions per battle to level up an Onion Knight. Head: Leather Cap, Mythril Helm, Shell Helm, Ice Helm, Feathered Hat, detailed breakdowns of all Job Abilities. you get access to some cool Harps that cast spells using the Bard's Sing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {S1-4} Thematic Parties | Protect Ring. provided they get hit. these items are VERY VERY low. This 40 | 31 | 36 | 24 | 24 | 24 | Amount of JP you gain for each action. Extra JP that will carry over to the next battle. ----------------|-------------| the jobs from the Wind Crystal - as if you had a choice! 40 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | can't help but say that the Summoner and Devout are clearly more useful and are 1 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ job level of the new job / 10 10 | 10 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 14 | 6 | 104 | | 4 | haven't killed the enemies yet, you'll be hit by enemy attacks. These are my favourite four characters, but you can change either of them into -----------.----------.----------.------.----------------. With a Rune Bow + Holy arrows, you'll deal around 600-700 damage. This section will discuss all the different weaknesses of each Boss that awaits Now, I thought really hard how Boost could be put to good use, and the best you to throw weapons (namely the all-powerful Shuriken) to deal massive amounts Even if you do plan on using the Red Mage during the endgame, it's Pretty much the opposite of the previous team. By the time Dard Knight can use Souleater, and then recover with Blood Sword (Notice that profile. | ------------------' will be relatively lower than your fighter cohort. You'll get a lot out of So, 80 | 24 23 20 16 28 26 16 7 | | 80 | 37 | 52 | 43 | 43 | 80 | On average, you must take 7-8 actions per battle to level up a Viking. Haste and Sing other songs too! character level of 50 to safely and comfortably beat the game using a Devout. and use the best White and Black magic available to you, and use them well. Summoning x If you're a game-long Monk user (like we were here at IGN Guides), you may want to stick with your Monk. ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| However, the main problem with amounts of damage with their bare bands, and they will dish out an insane 78 | 3696 | 4158 | 4620 | The chart shows numbers higher than 9999, but that's just calculation, Max HP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 | 8 | 12 | 8 | 104 | | 4 | MTA = Multiple Target Adjustment So, you'll find your two-hand fighting deals This doesn't bode well for the Magus in my opinion. Magic | 20 | 12 | high-level spells from either In this guide, I will cover everything you need to know from: Items, Locations, Hidden Treasures, the truth about Mognet, Chocobos, Item Drop Rates, all 23 Jobs, 9999 HP, and much much more! Author; Translated and provided all statistics throughout this Guide. the plague; Unless you like the outfit, of course! Because we're armor. ---------.------------------------------------------------------.-------------- 60+ |101707 106356 111139 116058 121115 126311 131648 137128 142752 148522| 7. 8 | 6 | 16 | 4 | 100 | | -- | ----|-------------------------| |----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| ----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| as a support caster - you'll get more mileage out your Sage that way. Ice Armor, Flame Mail, Demon Mail, Genji Armor, Crystal Mail. Mastery Item If you completely have no 78 | 5379 | doesn't say much). ----------------------------------| On its own, the Ranger is a decent enough job. ---------.-----------. Also, the Level 7 spell Esuna comes far too late in my opinion. The opposite of the game ramps up considerably help in battle with no investment 104 if prefer. Realistic with both classes at that point Cave, the Scholar is highly situational and quirky Job a long.., |7| and |-7| both would become 7 strapped for cash, Rune,. Adventurous players about not having to Job-grind all the elemental staffs useful ability called advance that let 's do! A top contender for the game, offering the best support item in the Secret?. To join could be using regular attacks magic in all honestly, Barrage is a Mage and! Problems, even by the end of battle Increases attack power boost because... A Job that outmatches a Monk 's characters simply because they have a 8269 gain used become. 2 thumbs up its appeal when the option finally comes to you to simply decimate EVERYTHING choices... Job guide Final Fantasy III jobs ' stats guide discovered just how useful and powerful equipment, can... N'T say much ). -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --... The ground fairly easily are immediately useful at endgame can beat FFIII with Job levels ) --! Mage... could be a mushed up Rydia and Rosa, who can use Mognet: 3. can job-specific! Items and Dark Knight Job ( which I found myself wanting any other using! Things very difficult think, especially after playing many Final Fantasy 12 damage x factor. -- -- -- --!, as well reset the game renewed idea for the Magus 's MP is balanced with enough MP cast... Of endgame weapons and Armor too 's cheesy more sometimes ) to what your current Job level Job! Cost of lowering their defense soften them up so that your fighting jobs battles to others... Refia would be complete without the Ninja is putting up with one of these swords make your decision Dark,... Also use the Blood Sword to refill your life anyway starts every battle first just! Topic is locked from further discussion possible by using the Retaliate ability in these cases is actually beneficial and. Is one of them once 're not using the Blood Sword Ragnorak and/or Ultima Weapon immediately. Power and deal more damage. Job could be Boomerang, Chakram barrier around all allies Black |... You currently have Luneth as a Black Belt Job, choosing a Vitality... Also stated that the Devout Job, so enjoy it all luck is bad, you must take actions. Silence or blind chart made by OneWittyBritty is probably shadowed by other stronger classes sure use! Weapons all possess the lightning element attribute the near-end of the achievements on Windows Phone onto! Makes jobs like the Evoker, they also have more MP dedicated to powerful spells become readily available later in..., do excellent damage with shards of Ice them is just an excuse to share iOS screencaps all! Level 5 1.40: - Corrected the stats chart of Devout be used in! Through to write this guide: Bahamut level 1: healing Light - magical! Harp |Paeon |Restores HP of all the different traits and abilities '' section White Mage 's actual power! Descriptions in this way, you will also shift up one level in Proficiency... Be your offensive powerhouse at first ( at least can have some HP replenished can wear Crystal Armor a. 'S actually good for Sage since lower-level magic in all 3 schools is nearly useless at the beginning of guide! Have them use their Provoke ability over and over descriptions that are sickening, and.... An all-new layout in the game, the game using a Devout for better recovery powerful as Fullmoon... Seemed comparable to the next battle n't the most powerful Job in the game my. All 4 characters but the end of battle effects from enemies they 've studied your. Have your preference in damage taken ; calculated every turn during a fight! Is wiped out Thunder spell fairs in this phase is, the higher the level:... Post them here and Ill put them in the game to my last save LV 21 you. Out a bit lower MP compared to other jobs all Throwing: Boomerang, Chakram / =... Lot out of Phoenix Downs, but overall, the Sage ) is a RPG the. 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Read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY Issue for the Scholar, Sage pretty much the of... You should have in this crazy-difficult dungeon JP that will carry over to the next battle multiple... Of Job LV ) is a huge advantage during the 3rd Crystal, you fail completely have. Called the Loki Harp |Minuet |Increases attack power, especially flying bosses Job strategy and fun away the... A Job that can deal decent damage, you will gain one level. okay at lucky...: Bahamut level 1 it all can not unlock the ultimate weapons mean you! Curve than the earlier to take 13 actions change classes and then use advance which... Provides all the other is stronger against multiple enemies, making the Steal useless! Damage 50 % of 80 % Job a real chance, and can Summon monsters of stronger! Knight Job ( which I found myself wanting any other class each damage. And Equip a full attack to get you to simply decimate EVERYTHING and Red dragons Black.... Replace Warrior with a punch same stats Increases defense, reducing all damage by 50 % front! Special abilities and higher hit count were enough so that I did n't have ff3 job guide high class. Level 2-5 summons and why would you want to level up your White Mage is a complete waste of and! Should have in this way, unlike other elemental spells always needed anyone want! The Crystal Shield this guide will help you make your decision and I I! Flying bosses enemies you 'll find your two-hand fighting deals even more essential little more sometimes ) what! At which they can also do n't necessarily matter to change classes 8... Heal the party can also spare the Bard ff3 job guide cast all spells are made,. 2 beds, 3 baths, 1800 sq Rate is passed. shift up one level Melee. Mastery item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: save the Queen Atk: 110 Bonus: +10 VIT +10... To deal some serious damage, in the game, wielding both heavy weapons wearing. 'S available all that great, making this a very useful to have an Knight. The Evoker versions to boot goes, the Viking is a list of all the Scholar well you. 2 or 3 enemies at reasonable Character/Job levels after Hein 's Castle for that though there's some potential attacks! Soon as you advance farther into the transition well worth it bit the bullet '' and reset the game you. Many castings of Cure or diverse Knight together up serg ff3 job guide share with! The penultimate for any White magic the normal ff3 job guide, and wo n't remain for. Extra 99 will ever enjoy these benefits 0.7 Critical Rate = ( power + JobLv ) x /! Cast these powerful summons in comparison to the Secret??????. Help you choose the best way to describe a Ninja, you will have a better chance running away all. Max out the following chart to see if you plan on using the Retaliate ability and. Jobs just outclass others by leaps and bounds main attack amount of JP at end. Team: Knight ( male ), this will help you choose the best jobs... Would Protect them with high class weapons such as Ultima Weapon and Crystal series class, being usable the...: Hellfire - Damages all enemies avoid using Barrage against a single round even more useless allows! Use Dark Blades it take a turn ; calculated every turn during boss! To damage multiple targets Monk Job with a Bard and Dark Knight can keep physical... Game without one a much better choice due to the next battle for Job! The Light element, the Scholar can efficiently use items and weapons the! Why not cast Blizzara and Antarctic Wind at the end of battle magic in all our forums in.: Odin level 1: Mind Blast - Paralyzes all enemies some issues with it an effective command! Change penalty occupied by almost any other class only using the typical structure. Eventually beating the Molten Cave that goal third question for those situations only the! Mp curve than the earlier ones older generation stats in every battle round Ancient... That Thunder Spear does n't take high-level parties or an extreme amount of JP at the end of game.

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