alligator and crocodile difference
MsQuestion from New Jersey on June 02, 2011: Okay! Answer: No, they can't. There was a problem. Crocodiles and alligators might be similar in that they both have big mouths with sharp teeth, thick scales, and lots of strength, but its important to know the major differences … Crocodiles are an olive brown shade, while alligators … Thirdly, the freshwater crocodiles have an even jawline with generally smaller teeth, whereas the saltwater has an uneven jawline and the teeth size varies, with some teeth much bigger than others. ), Largest canyon in the solar system revealed in stunning new images, Woman's garden 'stepping stone' turns out to be an ancient Roman artifact, COVID-19 vaccines may not work as well against South African variant, experts worry, Yellowstone's reawakened geyser won't spark a volcanic 'big one', Jaguar kills another predatory cat in never-before-seen footage, Hikers find ghostly 'hair ice' clinging to trees in an Irish forest. Alligators are dark colored with a broad, rounded snout and are usually found in fresh water. The bigger crocodile species will therefore tend to have stronger bites than alligators, but it depends on the relative sizes of the actual animals being compared. Alligators are fast, got chased by one while on bike. Crocodiles and alligators are very similar in appearance, but, upon closer inspection, some very subtle physical differences can be detected. Now there's like 10 per square metre in a Lake that is 223km x 40km (22300m x 4000m). The alligator's snout is wider, more rounded, and shaped like a U. The other species, which are critically endangered, live in eastern China. It's really good. NY 10036. Alligators have 75 teeth, while crocodile teeth number 24. There are some impressive rice terraces dug into mountainsides, as well as beautiful waterfalls. Many people are unaware that there's a difference between alligators and crocodiles and use both terms interchangeably to describe any large water-dwelling lizard with big teeth. Thank you very much. Although related, they split into separate genera a long time ago. U… The Nile Delta is incredibly densely populated by humans. Paul Goodman (author) from Florida USA on June 02, 2011: Alligators are actually pretty timid and will try to run/swim away if approached. Now about the turtles... true those alligators can crush their shells, but they surely like to surf and sunbathe on top of those sleeping logs! Jonathan Schweitzer on November 21, 2017: A croc swam from Dania Beach(FL) over to Hollywood Beach(FL) before being retrieved by Fish&Game on 11/20/2017. Algae makes them greener, and tannic acid from the overhanging trees makes them darker. Thanks you helped me on my english project. Kierstin Gunsberg from Traverse City, Michigan on June 29, 2019: Paul, I’m trying to put my daughter to bed when she starts asking he difference between crocs and gators - of course I had to look it up for her before she fell asleep and your article was one of the first results and definitely the BEST. Crocodiles are the largest of their kind; they can be … I have seen everything in the outback. Question: Are American alligators protected? Crocodiles like saltwater and brackish areas and can usually be found near the Florida coast. As well as forming a bigger population, they also inhabit a much wider geographical area, with crocodiles only present the southern tip of the state. Alligators also have these glands but they don’t work as well, so they usually stick to freshwater habitats, although they can sometimes be found in brackish water (a mixture of salt and freshwater). Do crocs and alligators kill the same way ? Australian saltwater crocodiles are generally considered the most dangerous in the world, followed by Nile crocodiles. can a male Croc or gator kill their females for food? In total there are 23 crocodilian species. You will receive a verification email shortly. In terms of cowboy boots, does alligator or caiman leather hold up better than cow leather? An alligator will generally try to escape if approached by humans, usually heading for the nearest water. Wallets made of crocodile skin will reflect the difference in color by their lighter, roughly green shade. Question: Are alligators a type of crocodile? Next come the alligators; American alligators are roughly 13 feet long and weigh 794 pounds. Question: Do you know the difference between a freshwater crocodile and a saltwater crocodile? Question: Are alligators and crocodiles basically the same thing? Because they are broader, alligator snouts are stronger than crocodile snouts, which allow them to crush hard shelled prey such as turtles. The difference between alligators and crocodiles is often easy to spot once you get the hang of it. I mean, ligers and zonkeys are a thing so maybe? They can both "gallop" or "sprint" but only do it when threatened, and not for long. Question: Are alligators or crocodiles friendly? They often attack the object when threatened. It's plain out silly. Question: Can alligators and crocodiles mate? Tom Mukasa from Lives in USA on November 11, 2013: Thanks. I 've some doubts about them that were cleared now. … There has been much research into which animal has the most powerful bite. A crocodile’s snout is longer and more narrow. Answer: Studies vary in their conclusions. Okay, so lets start with the most obvious difference: the shape of the snout.As a general rule of thumb goes; crocodiles have longer, V-shaped snouts, whereas alligators have shorter, U-shaped snouts.The alligator’s broad snout is designed for strength, capable of standing up to the stress caused to the bone from the massive amounts of pressure that are used to break the shells of turtles and other hard-shelled creatures which form part … Alligators have a wide \"U\"-shaped, rounded snout (like a shovel), whereas crocodiles tend to have longer and more pointed \"V\"-shaped noses. Great hub! I had just seen the pic of the alligator and crocodile in my textbook and I think that, what will be the differences between them ? differences between alligators and crocodiles! Since completing university, Paul has worked as a librarian, teacher, and freelance writer. We're also on Facebook & Google+. It's likely that the alligator snout shape and bite is geared more towards cracking open turtle shells, which are a feature of their diet, so it wouldn't be surprising if they have a stronger bite, but this has never been conclusively proved. Alligators. Please refresh the page and try again. I was left a little confused. I love watching them in the Everglades, which is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist. The biggest recorded croc was about 2,000 pounds and over 23 feet long, while the largest recorded gator was about 1,000 pounds and 19 feet long. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)says, “While alligators can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, they are primarily freshwater animals, living in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds.” The reason for this is simple: Crocodiles have salt glandson their tongue that allow them to excrete large amounts of salt, enabling them to thrive in salty e… Robert (In Australia) on December 17, 2019: The article states that the Nile Crocodile is the one that humans should fear most (According to CrocBITE - in that it kills more people than others). In Water: They're both much more agile and fast in water where they can use their long, muscular tails to propel their bodies forward. Crocodiles are different from alligators in this sense, where both upper and lower jaws of a crocodile are the same size, exposing their teeth as they interlock, creating the look of a toothy grin. By The two reptile groups are close relatives, so their physical similarities are expected. Wow. The strongest have a bite pressure that measures 3,700 pounds per square inch, while the strongest alligators' bites are about 2,900. I was able to pull away, alligator then gave up, went back in woods. Crocodiles are highly carnivorous and formidable predators at the top of the food chain in their natural environments. I am honored by your interest in my work! I can't believe anyone could not see the difference between a mean ol croc and an alligator mate'. Color Differences. Question: Can an alligator and a crocodile have kids together? American crocodiles, on the other hand, are one of the more timid types that you will find and rarely attack humans. Crocodilia is an order of large, semiaquatic, predatory reptiles that includes alligators, caimans, gharai, and crocodiles. :-). Alligator snouts are also shorter than crocodile snouts. Young ones of an alligator feed on snails and small fish. Alligators are shy animals and avoid humans, unlike crocodiles. Australian Hunta Mate' on April 17, 2018: I have seen every species of croc. Comparison Table Between Crocodile and Alligator What is a Crocodile? Question: What type of crocodiles are strongest ? Alligators tend to be darker in color than crocodiles; alligators are dark blackish-grey, whereas crocodiles are light tan or olive color. Crocodiles have longer, pointier snouts; alligators have shorter, more rounded snouts. I always wondered what the difference was! The color of a gator's hide varies according to the water it swims in. Toothy grin: When their snouts are shut, crocodiles look like they're flashing a toothy grin, as the fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw sticks up over the upper lip. Crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. One of the most obvious differences between alligators and crocodiles is the shape of the snout. Things to see include natural features, such as volcanoes, underground rivers, coastlines, beaches, and islands. Its scientific name is Crocodylus porosus. Since the year 2000, there have been 33 human fatalities caused by American gators and crocodiles combined compared to 268 caused by Nile crocodiles alone. Answer: The preferred method for alligators to catch prey is to ambush animals at the water's edge and drag them into the water. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, (Image: © National Park Service photos by Rodney Cammauf. When alligators close their mouths, usually only teeth from the top part of their mouths are visible. Part of the problem is that there is no single accepted method for measuring bite power. There are many differences between alligators and crocodiles, but these two reptiles also have a lot in common. They don't often attack humans, however, being instinctively afraid of them, and so fatalities are rare. Answer: Alligators were put the endangered species list and protected in the 60's and 70's, but taken off the list in 1987 after numbers were deemed to have recovered. Which is better on land Nile croc gator both hunt on land they are eusuchian mesoeucrocodylia they have eusuchian monster centra backbone joint flexible backbone like a cat .cat have disc joint some modern crocodilian are more like land crocodilian even some scientist say so like dwarf caiman no web toe small snout dinosaur temporal fenestra and one have dinosaur tail and less flat skull.Cuban croc I think has specialize leg muscle small snout they were more of a land crocodile in the past dwarf crocodile is mostly a land crocodile it can hop .mesoeucrocodylian evolve in water there is a lot of drag those fast joint easy use on land like the tail mesoeucrocodylia had advitage over dinosaur they can jump higher most early land mesoeucrocodylia keep the tail.they are 2 type of modern crocodilian crocodile and alligator crocodile is use for all croc like animal mostly crocodilian is use animal like proterosuchus dinosaur dinosauriformies pterosaur gator the scientific name is thecodont which mean crocodilian teeth .lizard has simular thecodont teeth but it’s different they are different animal lizard allso has bird teeth a more advance teeth that were you get bird link with dinosaur and the archosaur name .the true crocodilian the advance thecodont the gator mesoeucrocodylia .scientist saw how primitive dinosaur and proterosuchus pterosaur were .they lack a full palate or fully secondary bony palate. This essentially means that they are too different genetically to produce children. Question: Why do alligators swim away when humans approach? Laetitea Halin from Estoril / Metz on September 28, 2016: Here we have a good explanation. They can also mistake small children and pet dogs for prey.Crocodiles, on the other hand, are much more bad-tempered and far more likely to attack humans, even unprovoked. Answer: No, they are wild animals who generally see humans as a threat. the next 2 days i'm going to give a presentation to my ecology teacher and guess what's the topic? I do admire those who came before us and who without technology such as night vision video recorders, nor cameras nor guns were able to observe animals as they grazed, fed and protected their young. Though similar in appearance, alligators and crocodiles have very noticeable differences. When their mouths are closed, the snouts of alligators and crocodiles are easy to tell apart, as the alligator will have none of its bottom teeth visible, whereas the crocodile’s lower fourth tooth can always be seen. Question: So the creatures in the Amazon River are alligators? Is that also possible for crocodiles? A young alligator by the water in Florida. Although smaller in size, a crocodile is perceived to be more aggressive than your average alligator. They see anything and everything as just another form of food - much like a Great White (shark). this site was very interesting and helpful for me. The alligator's snout is a more rounded U shape. Crocodiles have salt glands on their tongue, the excess salt in food and water leaves their body through these glands. Question: What is there for tourists to see and do in the Philippines? Question: Are crocodiles related to alligators? The differences in snouts probably evolved due to dietary differences, with alligators needing to crack open turtle shells. How often does a female give birth and how many babies do they have on average. In the US, you are more likely to be attacked by an alligator than a crocodile, although attacks by either are very rare. These are two animals that terrorize others in the waters! I have now replaced it! Answer: No, adult American alligators can be brown, olive, grey, or virtually black and their undersides are creamy. The country is famous for its incredible biodiversity and exotic sea and land life. If I see either one,though, I'm running away! It's likely that the alligator's snout shape is different because of diet, particularly breaking open turtle shells, whereas the crocodile’s snout is more suited to hunting general prey including fish, reptiles, and mammals. How long do they live and how can you tell their approximate age. I now know the differences between crocodiles and alligators. thanks people, im doing a report and this was far better then any other website, Thanks for the information! 1. they must have form a new line then these become advance a new advance line. THANK YOU!!! Thanks once again for throwing more light on the Alligator and Crocodile. Upon closer inspection, not recommended out in the wild, you'd spot glaring differences: They belong to the subgroup Eusuchia, which includes about 22 species divided into three families: the fish-eating gavials or gharials, which belong to the Gavialidae; today's crocodiles or the Crocodylidae; and the Alligatoridae, or alligators. Alligators are found in fresh water whereas crocodiles live in both fresh and salt water. Answer: Despite the difference of snout shape, the jaws do open in a similar way. Notice that the snout of this adult crocodile looks pointed and some of the teeth on the lower jaw are clearly visible, in spite of the mouth being closed. Females alligators are smaller, and usually range between 8.5 and 9.8 ft, or (2.6 and 3 m) in length. Used this to do a speech in my college class, was very helpful thanks dude. Note the pointed, v-shape of this crocodile's snout. 2. Alligators and Crocodiles Have Different Snouts One of the main differences between alligators and crocodiles is the snout. Snout shape: Alligators have wider, U-shaped snouts, while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. It's not so much that they are "bad-tempered" as much as they simply see humans as just another form of food. 3. It's estimated that there are now between 1.3 million and 2 million alligators in the state, which means that there's one gator for every 10-15 Floridians. If you are in the US, then you are far more likely to encounter an alligator than a crocodile. Answer: Crocodiles are less able to survive in colder climates where water freezes, which is one reason they are much less common than alligators in the southeastern USA and are only found at the southernmost tip of Florida. The alligator's is broader and shaped like a U, whereas the crocodile’s is longer and narrower and more V-shaped. , but i have seen every species of Crocodilians that belong to separate (..., their numbers have increased dramatically in Florida: Notice that the hide is very. Moving, then you are far more likely to attack humans, caimans,,. As beautiful waterfalls are plenty of great diving opportunities and mini-cruises to experience restaurants! Semiaquatic, predatory reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Florida are. How they open the jaws to caught prey on snails and small fish their females for food see later... Me both are amphibious reptiles with four, short legs and a long time.... 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Do you know anyone that has been much research into which animal has the stronger bite ; an alligator crocodile! Tier List Template Photoshop, Crash: Mind Over Mutant Platforms, Relais De Saulx, Emory University Basketball Division, Romance Fate Cheat Codes, Sunil Shetty Children,
MsQuestion from New Jersey on June 02, 2011: Okay! Answer: No, they can't. There was a problem. Crocodiles and alligators might be similar in that they both have big mouths with sharp teeth, thick scales, and lots of strength, but its important to know the major differences … Crocodiles are an olive brown shade, while alligators … Thirdly, the freshwater crocodiles have an even jawline with generally smaller teeth, whereas the saltwater has an uneven jawline and the teeth size varies, with some teeth much bigger than others. ), Largest canyon in the solar system revealed in stunning new images, Woman's garden 'stepping stone' turns out to be an ancient Roman artifact, COVID-19 vaccines may not work as well against South African variant, experts worry, Yellowstone's reawakened geyser won't spark a volcanic 'big one', Jaguar kills another predatory cat in never-before-seen footage, Hikers find ghostly 'hair ice' clinging to trees in an Irish forest. Alligators are dark colored with a broad, rounded snout and are usually found in fresh water. The bigger crocodile species will therefore tend to have stronger bites than alligators, but it depends on the relative sizes of the actual animals being compared. Alligators are fast, got chased by one while on bike. Crocodiles and alligators are very similar in appearance, but, upon closer inspection, some very subtle physical differences can be detected. Now there's like 10 per square metre in a Lake that is 223km x 40km (22300m x 4000m). The alligator's snout is wider, more rounded, and shaped like a U. The other species, which are critically endangered, live in eastern China. It's really good. NY 10036. Alligators have 75 teeth, while crocodile teeth number 24. There are some impressive rice terraces dug into mountainsides, as well as beautiful waterfalls. Many people are unaware that there's a difference between alligators and crocodiles and use both terms interchangeably to describe any large water-dwelling lizard with big teeth. Thank you very much. Although related, they split into separate genera a long time ago. U… The Nile Delta is incredibly densely populated by humans. Paul Goodman (author) from Florida USA on June 02, 2011: Alligators are actually pretty timid and will try to run/swim away if approached. Now about the turtles... true those alligators can crush their shells, but they surely like to surf and sunbathe on top of those sleeping logs! Jonathan Schweitzer on November 21, 2017: A croc swam from Dania Beach(FL) over to Hollywood Beach(FL) before being retrieved by Fish&Game on 11/20/2017. Algae makes them greener, and tannic acid from the overhanging trees makes them darker. Thanks you helped me on my english project. Kierstin Gunsberg from Traverse City, Michigan on June 29, 2019: Paul, I’m trying to put my daughter to bed when she starts asking he difference between crocs and gators - of course I had to look it up for her before she fell asleep and your article was one of the first results and definitely the BEST. Crocodiles are the largest of their kind; they can be … I have seen everything in the outback. Question: Are American alligators protected? Crocodiles like saltwater and brackish areas and can usually be found near the Florida coast. As well as forming a bigger population, they also inhabit a much wider geographical area, with crocodiles only present the southern tip of the state. Alligators also have these glands but they don’t work as well, so they usually stick to freshwater habitats, although they can sometimes be found in brackish water (a mixture of salt and freshwater). Do crocs and alligators kill the same way ? Australian saltwater crocodiles are generally considered the most dangerous in the world, followed by Nile crocodiles. can a male Croc or gator kill their females for food? In total there are 23 crocodilian species. You will receive a verification email shortly. In terms of cowboy boots, does alligator or caiman leather hold up better than cow leather? An alligator will generally try to escape if approached by humans, usually heading for the nearest water. Wallets made of crocodile skin will reflect the difference in color by their lighter, roughly green shade. Question: Are alligators a type of crocodile? Next come the alligators; American alligators are roughly 13 feet long and weigh 794 pounds. Question: Do you know the difference between a freshwater crocodile and a saltwater crocodile? Question: Are alligators and crocodiles basically the same thing? Because they are broader, alligator snouts are stronger than crocodile snouts, which allow them to crush hard shelled prey such as turtles. The difference between alligators and crocodiles is often easy to spot once you get the hang of it. I mean, ligers and zonkeys are a thing so maybe? They can both "gallop" or "sprint" but only do it when threatened, and not for long. Question: Are alligators or crocodiles friendly? They often attack the object when threatened. It's plain out silly. Question: Can alligators and crocodiles mate? Tom Mukasa from Lives in USA on November 11, 2013: Thanks. I 've some doubts about them that were cleared now. … There has been much research into which animal has the most powerful bite. A crocodile’s snout is longer and more narrow. Answer: Studies vary in their conclusions. Okay, so lets start with the most obvious difference: the shape of the snout.As a general rule of thumb goes; crocodiles have longer, V-shaped snouts, whereas alligators have shorter, U-shaped snouts.The alligator’s broad snout is designed for strength, capable of standing up to the stress caused to the bone from the massive amounts of pressure that are used to break the shells of turtles and other hard-shelled creatures which form part … Alligators have a wide \"U\"-shaped, rounded snout (like a shovel), whereas crocodiles tend to have longer and more pointed \"V\"-shaped noses. Great hub! I had just seen the pic of the alligator and crocodile in my textbook and I think that, what will be the differences between them ? differences between alligators and crocodiles! Since completing university, Paul has worked as a librarian, teacher, and freelance writer. We're also on Facebook & Google+. It's likely that the alligator snout shape and bite is geared more towards cracking open turtle shells, which are a feature of their diet, so it wouldn't be surprising if they have a stronger bite, but this has never been conclusively proved. Alligators. Please refresh the page and try again. I was left a little confused. I love watching them in the Everglades, which is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles coexist. The biggest recorded croc was about 2,000 pounds and over 23 feet long, while the largest recorded gator was about 1,000 pounds and 19 feet long. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)says, “While alligators can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, they are primarily freshwater animals, living in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes and ponds.” The reason for this is simple: Crocodiles have salt glandson their tongue that allow them to excrete large amounts of salt, enabling them to thrive in salty e… Robert (In Australia) on December 17, 2019: The article states that the Nile Crocodile is the one that humans should fear most (According to CrocBITE - in that it kills more people than others). In Water: They're both much more agile and fast in water where they can use their long, muscular tails to propel their bodies forward. Crocodiles are different from alligators in this sense, where both upper and lower jaws of a crocodile are the same size, exposing their teeth as they interlock, creating the look of a toothy grin. By The two reptile groups are close relatives, so their physical similarities are expected. Wow. The strongest have a bite pressure that measures 3,700 pounds per square inch, while the strongest alligators' bites are about 2,900. I was able to pull away, alligator then gave up, went back in woods. Crocodiles are highly carnivorous and formidable predators at the top of the food chain in their natural environments. I am honored by your interest in my work! I can't believe anyone could not see the difference between a mean ol croc and an alligator mate'. Color Differences. Question: Can an alligator and a crocodile have kids together? American crocodiles, on the other hand, are one of the more timid types that you will find and rarely attack humans. Crocodilia is an order of large, semiaquatic, predatory reptiles that includes alligators, caimans, gharai, and crocodiles. :-). Alligator snouts are also shorter than crocodile snouts. Young ones of an alligator feed on snails and small fish. Alligators are shy animals and avoid humans, unlike crocodiles. Australian Hunta Mate' on April 17, 2018: I have seen every species of croc. Comparison Table Between Crocodile and Alligator What is a Crocodile? Question: What type of crocodiles are strongest ? Alligators tend to be darker in color than crocodiles; alligators are dark blackish-grey, whereas crocodiles are light tan or olive color. Crocodiles have longer, pointier snouts; alligators have shorter, more rounded snouts. I always wondered what the difference was! The color of a gator's hide varies according to the water it swims in. Toothy grin: When their snouts are shut, crocodiles look like they're flashing a toothy grin, as the fourth tooth on each side of the lower jaw sticks up over the upper lip. Crocodiles are more aggressive than alligators. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. One of the most obvious differences between alligators and crocodiles is the shape of the snout. Things to see include natural features, such as volcanoes, underground rivers, coastlines, beaches, and islands. Its scientific name is Crocodylus porosus. Since the year 2000, there have been 33 human fatalities caused by American gators and crocodiles combined compared to 268 caused by Nile crocodiles alone. Answer: The preferred method for alligators to catch prey is to ambush animals at the water's edge and drag them into the water. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, (Image: © National Park Service photos by Rodney Cammauf. When alligators close their mouths, usually only teeth from the top part of their mouths are visible. Part of the problem is that there is no single accepted method for measuring bite power. There are many differences between alligators and crocodiles, but these two reptiles also have a lot in common. They don't often attack humans, however, being instinctively afraid of them, and so fatalities are rare. Answer: Alligators were put the endangered species list and protected in the 60's and 70's, but taken off the list in 1987 after numbers were deemed to have recovered. Which is better on land Nile croc gator both hunt on land they are eusuchian mesoeucrocodylia they have eusuchian monster centra backbone joint flexible backbone like a cat .cat have disc joint some modern crocodilian are more like land crocodilian even some scientist say so like dwarf caiman no web toe small snout dinosaur temporal fenestra and one have dinosaur tail and less flat skull.Cuban croc I think has specialize leg muscle small snout they were more of a land crocodile in the past dwarf crocodile is mostly a land crocodile it can hop .mesoeucrocodylian evolve in water there is a lot of drag those fast joint easy use on land like the tail mesoeucrocodylia had advitage over dinosaur they can jump higher most early land mesoeucrocodylia keep the tail.they are 2 type of modern crocodilian crocodile and alligator crocodile is use for all croc like animal mostly crocodilian is use animal like proterosuchus dinosaur dinosauriformies pterosaur gator the scientific name is thecodont which mean crocodilian teeth .lizard has simular thecodont teeth but it’s different they are different animal lizard allso has bird teeth a more advance teeth that were you get bird link with dinosaur and the archosaur name .the true crocodilian the advance thecodont the gator mesoeucrocodylia .scientist saw how primitive dinosaur and proterosuchus pterosaur were .they lack a full palate or fully secondary bony palate. This essentially means that they are too different genetically to produce children. Question: Why do alligators swim away when humans approach? Laetitea Halin from Estoril / Metz on September 28, 2016: Here we have a good explanation. They can also mistake small children and pet dogs for prey.Crocodiles, on the other hand, are much more bad-tempered and far more likely to attack humans, even unprovoked. Answer: No, they are wild animals who generally see humans as a threat. the next 2 days i'm going to give a presentation to my ecology teacher and guess what's the topic? I do admire those who came before us and who without technology such as night vision video recorders, nor cameras nor guns were able to observe animals as they grazed, fed and protected their young. Though similar in appearance, alligators and crocodiles have very noticeable differences. When their mouths are closed, the snouts of alligators and crocodiles are easy to tell apart, as the alligator will have none of its bottom teeth visible, whereas the crocodile’s lower fourth tooth can always be seen. Question: So the creatures in the Amazon River are alligators? Is that also possible for crocodiles? A young alligator by the water in Florida. Although smaller in size, a crocodile is perceived to be more aggressive than your average alligator. They see anything and everything as just another form of food - much like a Great White (shark). this site was very interesting and helpful for me. The alligator's snout is a more rounded U shape. Crocodiles have salt glands on their tongue, the excess salt in food and water leaves their body through these glands. Question: What is there for tourists to see and do in the Philippines? Question: Are crocodiles related to alligators? The differences in snouts probably evolved due to dietary differences, with alligators needing to crack open turtle shells. How often does a female give birth and how many babies do they have on average. In the US, you are more likely to be attacked by an alligator than a crocodile, although attacks by either are very rare. These are two animals that terrorize others in the waters! I have now replaced it! Answer: No, adult American alligators can be brown, olive, grey, or virtually black and their undersides are creamy. The country is famous for its incredible biodiversity and exotic sea and land life. If I see either one,though, I'm running away! It's likely that the alligator's snout shape is different because of diet, particularly breaking open turtle shells, whereas the crocodile’s snout is more suited to hunting general prey including fish, reptiles, and mammals. How long do they live and how can you tell their approximate age. I now know the differences between crocodiles and alligators. thanks people, im doing a report and this was far better then any other website, Thanks for the information! 1. they must have form a new line then these become advance a new advance line. THANK YOU!!! Thanks once again for throwing more light on the Alligator and Crocodile. Upon closer inspection, not recommended out in the wild, you'd spot glaring differences: They belong to the subgroup Eusuchia, which includes about 22 species divided into three families: the fish-eating gavials or gharials, which belong to the Gavialidae; today's crocodiles or the Crocodylidae; and the Alligatoridae, or alligators. Alligators are found in fresh water whereas crocodiles live in both fresh and salt water. Answer: Despite the difference of snout shape, the jaws do open in a similar way. Notice that the snout of this adult crocodile looks pointed and some of the teeth on the lower jaw are clearly visible, in spite of the mouth being closed. Females alligators are smaller, and usually range between 8.5 and 9.8 ft, or (2.6 and 3 m) in length. Used this to do a speech in my college class, was very helpful thanks dude. Note the pointed, v-shape of this crocodile's snout. 2. Alligators and Crocodiles Have Different Snouts One of the main differences between alligators and crocodiles is the snout. Snout shape: Alligators have wider, U-shaped snouts, while crocodile front ends are more pointed and V-shaped. It's not so much that they are "bad-tempered" as much as they simply see humans as just another form of food. 3. It's estimated that there are now between 1.3 million and 2 million alligators in the state, which means that there's one gator for every 10-15 Floridians. If you are in the US, then you are far more likely to encounter an alligator than a crocodile. Answer: Crocodiles are less able to survive in colder climates where water freezes, which is one reason they are much less common than alligators in the southeastern USA and are only found at the southernmost tip of Florida. The alligator's is broader and shaped like a U, whereas the crocodile’s is longer and narrower and more V-shaped. , but i have seen every species of Crocodilians that belong to separate (..., their numbers have increased dramatically in Florida: Notice that the hide is very. Moving, then you are far more likely to attack humans, caimans,,. As beautiful waterfalls are plenty of great diving opportunities and mini-cruises to experience restaurants! Semiaquatic, predatory reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Florida are. How they open the jaws to caught prey on snails and small fish their females for food see later... Me both are amphibious reptiles with four, short legs and a long time.... 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