sentence on reputation
Some writers, even of good reputation, have held that the blue is the true body colour of the air, or of some ingredient in it such as ozone. Built on the border of a low plain and having a mean annual temperature of 82° F., the town has the reputation of being unhealthy. He certainly had not the reputation for so doing. The peace of Crepy in September 1544 deprived him of this employment, but he had won a considerable reputation, and when Charles was preparing to attack the league of Schmalkalden, he took pains to win Albert's assistance. His reputation as a philosopher was established by his first book, The Philosophy of the Unconscious (1869; 10th ed. Most of these were primarily writers, but Justin Martyr has left a reputation for speaking, especially in debate, as well. “Architecture is a reputation-driven business,” Harris says. Can you give a sentence for reputation? A renewal of prosperity began when it acquired a reputation as a watering-place. He was a potter by trade, and had a national reputation as a dancer. He has good reputation as a teacher. 15 … How to use reputation in a sentence. The reputation which he gained from this work won for him the chair of ancient philosophy at the College de France (1838) and a seat at the Academy of Moral and Political Science (1839). How to use reputations in a sentence. Ribot's great reputation as an expert in finance and foreign affairs brought him effectively into office. The Growth of the Spirit of Christianity from the First Century to the Dawn of the Lutheran Era, established his reputation as a liberal and spiritually minded theologian; and Queen Victoria invited him to preach at Balmoral. I'm well aware of his reputation, though. 13. He was educated for the bar, and made his reputation by his defence, in company with Georges Laguerre, of Ernest Roche and Duc-Quercy, the instigators of the strike at Decazeville in 1883; he then took Laguerre's place on M. Even then he had a great reputation at Moscow as one who thoroughly understood "German ways and things.". Defects in their arguments have been exposed to view by those who are most concerned to defend their reputation. Next year he became head master of Westminster, where his reputation as a teacher soon became great. But three years later this imperious leader was checked by the heroic resistance of the " Maiden " fortress of Magdeburg; though two years later still she lost her reputation, and suffered unspeakable horrors at the hands of Tilly's lawless and unlicensed soldiery. Examples of reputation in a Sentence He has earned a reputation as a first-class playwright. How do you use reputation in a sentence? ‘The German publishing house Taschen has earned a reputation as a purveyor of upmarket coffee table erotica.’ ‘Tony Kaye earned a reputation for eccentric behaviour during his time as a commercials director in Britain.’ ‘The pursuit of ideas has earned him a reputation for running with them in the studio, for grabbing the moment.’ Examples of Reputation in a sentence. 3. But it was his course in the presidency that gave him his international reputation) and it is as President Roosevelt that future historians: Of American political life must chiefly discuss him. (destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt) " Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation? synonym study for reputation 1. In his book, I Almost Missed The Sunset, Bill Gaither writes: Gloria and I had been married a couple of years. Although little is preserved of Omri's history, the fact that the northern kingdom long continued to be called by the Assyrians after his name is a significant indication of his great reputation. He had the reputation of a responsible ranchman. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. Zifre 1 1093716 Tom has a very bad reputation around town. How to use reputations in a sentence. Reputation, however, is the word which refers to the position one occupies or the standing that one has in the opinion of others, in respect to attainments, integrity, and the like: a fine reputation; a reputation for honesty. Find an answer to your question sentence on .to earn A reputation 1. It has many breweries and distilleries, and the spirit known by its name, which is a coarse gin, has a certain reputation throughout Belgium. The new manager is already developing a reputation for briskness in getting things done. In the same year appeared two wholly or partially fictitious histories, each of which might have made a reputation for any man. click for more sentences of reputation … reputation management in a sentence - Use "reputation management" in a sentence 1. Germany has a reputation for producing high-quality goods. The new manager is already developing a reputation for briskness in getting things done. Cattle-rearing is well developed, and the horses bred in Carinthia enjoy a good reputation. Carinus has the reputation of having been one of the worst of the emperors. The sermons of Flechier increased his reputation, which was afterwards raised to the highest pitch by his funeral orations. The reputation of the district immediately to the south, embraced in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, was far different. This map of Eratosthenes, notwithstanding its many errors, such as the assumed connexion of the Caspian with a northern ocean and the supposition that Carthage, Sicily and Rome lay on the same meridian, enjoyed a high reputation in his day. He owed the position to Vergennes, who for three years and a half continued to support him; but the king was not well disposed towards him, and, according to the testimony of the Austrian ambassador, his reputation with the public was extremely poor. Its articles of clothing, silk goods and millinery also enjoy a great reputation for the taste with which they are manufactured. He thus showed his prudence, but he had some reputation as … There are 5 example sentences for good reputation, and this page shows no. On the principles we have explained, therefore, the Ricardian economics should supply just that body of general theory which is required in the investigation of modern economic problems, and the reputation of at any rate the leading writers should be as great as ever. , Janet doesn’t allow her children to go to the park anymore because the area has developed a reputation as a gang hangout. Wide as Bain's influence has been as a logician, a grammarian and a writer on rhetoric, his reputation rests on his psychology. When Nicholas an influential deputation from the province of Tver, which had long enjoyed a reputation for liberalism, ventured to hint in a loyal address that the time had come for changes in the existing autocratic regime, they received a reply which showed that the emperor had no intention of making any such changes. The high commissioner, true to his reputation as a prudent statesman and astute politician, showed great skill in dealing with the situation. Here he met a certain Olympe Dunoyer ("Pimpette"), a girl apparently of respectable character and not bad connexions, but a Protestant, penniless, and daughter of a literary lady whose literary reputation was not spotless. This marriage may have done something to increase Granville's reputation for eccentricity. His great literary power, his reputation for benevolence, and his known toleration and dislike of doctrinal disputes caused him to be much more favourably regarded than most churchmen by the philosophes of the 18th century. Hearne (Oxford, 1716), and at one time enjoyed some reputation as an authority. He also gained much reputation as a casuist. Helen Rowland. Charles Emmanuel achieved a great reputation as a statesman and warrior, and increased the prestige of Savoy, but he was too shifty and ingenious, and his schemes ended in disaster. He acquired a considerable reputation, but in 1843 his political opinions brought him under the suspicion of the police and caused his expulsion from the papal states. Sentence pairs containing reputation translated in English and Spanish. The publication of his best-known work, True Religion Delineated (1750), won for him a high reputation as a theologian, and the book was several times reprinted both in England and in America. The town is celebrated for its manufacture of agate and carnelian ornaments, of reputation principally in China. The attempt was never entirely successful, but its results restored something of the Kaga kilns reputation. How to use reputation in a sentence. Francke's Collegium orientale theologicum, a practical school of biblical and oriental philology then quite unique, and the author of an annotated Hebrew Bible and various exegetical works of reputation, especially the Adnotationes uberiores in hagiographos (1720). In this position he earned a reputation as a politician of thorough straightforwardness and grit, and as one who would maintain British interests independently of party; and he shared with Mr Asquith the reputation of being the ablest of the Imperialists who followed Lord Rosebery. Agostino degli Eremitani, by which the great painter's reputation was fully confirmed, and which remain to this day conspicuous among his finest achievements.'. Tobacco is also widely cultivated, and the product of some states, such as Bahia, Minas Geraes and Goyaz, has a high local reputation for its excellence. But he did not fulfil the expectations which had been formed on the strength`' of his colonial reputation; he took no very prominent part in debate, and gave little evidence of his undoubted oratorical gifts. In 1886 he became chancellor of St Paul's, and it is said that he declined more than one offer of a bishopric.

reputation definition is - overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general. Jerba has a considerable reputation for the manufacture of the woollen tissues interwoven with silk which are known as burnous stuffs; a market for the sale of sponges is held from November till March; and there is a considerable export trade in olives,. Wiki User Answered . His sermons attracted wide attention in that community, and he gained a considerable reputation as a theologian and a controversialist by his publication in 1814 of a volume entitled Defence of Christianity, written in answer to a work, The Grounds of Christianity Examined (1813), by George Bethune English (1787-1828), an adventurer, who, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was in turn a student of law and of theology, an editor of a newspaper, and a soldier of fortune in Egypt. His courage and dignity during his trial and on the scaffold has left him a better reputation than he deserves.

Many outstanding professionals have established excellent reputations in this region. High quality example sentences with “affect reputation” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 1514), Hungarian revolutionist, was a Szekler squire and soldier of fortune, who won such a reputation for valour in the Turkish wars that the Hungarian chancellor, Tamas Bakocz, on his return from Rome in 1514 with a papal bull preaching a holy war in Hungary against the Moslems, appointed him to organize and direct the movement. There is a Chinese proverb that states that of a dead leopard we keep the skin, of man his reputation. What does reputation mean? These works, along with the reputation he had acquired as a lecturer and preacher, secured for him a call to Helmstedt as professor ordinarius in 1723. The reputation of his learning led Majorianus to treat him with the greatest respect. The naval school, which has always enjoyed a high reputation among Brazilians, is situated on the island of Enxadas in the bay of Rio de Janeiro. On the 16th of September his disapproval of the popular excesses at Warsaw caused him to quit the government after sacrificing half his fortune to the national cause; but it must be admitted that throughout the insurrection he did not act up to his great reputation. Lord Mansfield's great reputation rests chiefly on his judicial career. The reputation list of example sentences with reputation. It went through five editions before 1728, and gained the author much reputation. Change your default dictionary to American English. So early as 1841 his reputation in this department was sufficient to secure for him the government nomination to the newly founded chair of Biblical criticism in the university of Edinburgh. GUILLEN DE CASTRO Y BELLVIS (1569-1631), Spanish dramatist, was a Valencian by birth, and early enjoyed a reputation as a man of letters. You've done so much work; you've put in so much effort. From a personal friend, James Coggeshall, he borrowed $1000, on which capital and the editor's reputation The Tribune was founded. The village, as it was then, had a reputation for healthiness through its gravel soil and pure atmosphere. By the end of 1771 his scientific reputation was such that he was suggested for the post of "astronomer" to Captain Cook's second expedition to the South Seas, but his unorthodox opinions were objectionable to certain members of the board of longitude and the appointment was not ratified. His reputation mainly rests on his Introduzione ad una teoria geometrica delle curve piane, which proclaims him as a follower of the Steinerian or synthetical school of geometricians. This video examines #reputation as a #noun with the meaning of "a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular characteristic." Finally, although Clay for his support of the compromises and Seward and Chase for their opposition have gained in reputation, Webster has been selected as the special target for hostile criticism. I can offer you no other guarantee. 2. Examples of reputation in a sentence, how to use it. Reputation is the way you are viewed by people and by your community and the way these people think of you. 425 is legendary), and acquired a European reputation as a school of jurisprudence under Pepo, the first known teacher at Bologna of Roman law (about 1076), and his successor Irnerius and their followers the glossators. By 1718 he had made some reputation as a writer of occasional verse, which he published in broadsheets, and then (or a year earlier) he turned bookseller in the premises where he had hitherto plied his craft of wig-making. His literary capacity was early shown in the remarkable fiction of his Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton (1886) under the pseudonym of "Christopher Carr," and his Poems (1893) and Lyrics (1895) established his reputation as a writer of verse. In the Toth century IIushiel, one of four prisoners, perhaps from Babylonia, though that is doubtful, was ransomed and settled at Kairawan, where he acquired great reputation as a Talmudist. In Fayette county, in 1900, the average value of colts between the ages of one and two years was $377.78. His great reputation and his diplomatic experience gave a special weight to the attacks which he published on the policy of the continental allies, two of his works attracting special attention, Du Congres de Troppau ou Examen des pretentions des monarchies absolues a l'egard de la monarchie constitutionelle de Naples (Paris, 1821), and Les Cabinets et les peuples depuis 1815 jusqu'd la fin de 1822 (Paris, 1822). 20 the principles for which he fought, the posthumous reputation of Becket must appear strangely exaggerated. His published writings have had with posterity a very indifferent success; his literary reputation rests on a volume of letters never designed to appear in print. But, though apparently without such a knowledge of the anatomy of birds as would enable him to apply it to the formation of that natural system which he was fully aware had yet to be sought, he seems to have been an excellent judge of the characters afforded by the bill and limbs, and the use he made of them, coupled with the extraordinary reputation he acquired on other grounds, procured for his system the adhesion for many years of the majority of ornithologists.'. Such estimation when favorable; good repute; good name. Like Dokhturov he had the reputation of being a man of very limited capacity and information, and like Dokhturov he never made plans of battle but was always found where the situation was most difficult. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation. ne anlama geliyor? I have a reputation to maintain. My father has a good reputation in the society. The reputation which he had gained in the physical sciences soon caused him to be raised to the position of rector of the university (for the first term of the year 1313). He was a man of courage but of no reputation. His reputation as a rake and gambler was so well established at the very beginning of his career that when he was dismissed from office in 1774 there was a general belief among the vulgar that he had been detected in actual theft. He had the charge of the India Bill of 1858 in the House of Commons, became the first secretary of state for India, and left behind him in the India Office an excellent reputation as a man of business. The springs also give Droitwich a considerable reputation as a health resort. synonyms. Here also are most of the principal hotels, which have a peculiarly high reputation among European hotels in the East. How to use reputation in a sentence. This expriest, this disillusioned Jacobin and skilful spinner of cobweb constitutions, enjoyed for a time the chief reputation in France. Formerly Lambert's reputation for accuracy and impartiality was very high, but both qualities have been somewhat discredited. 4. By his practical experiments and by his writings he gained a considerable reputation as an economist; but his ambition was not content with this, and he sought to extend his influence by joining first the Freemasons and afterwards (1779) the Rosicrucians. The two marshals added to their reputation in the "Reunion War" of 1680-84. b.After opening the door, he asked for my permission to come in. This makes business a meritocracy and encourages business owners to focus on quality, service, and reputation since these are so easy for customers to check. From time immemorial, indeed, this coast has had an evil reputation among mariners, quite apart from the pirates who for centuries made it the base of their depredations. He has bad reputation of being dishonest. I feel," he wrote, " that such scientific reputation as I might acquire would give more value, more weight, more useful influence to my political sermons.". non-reputation in a sentence - Use "non-reputation" in a sentence 1. In the following year he published a pamphlet on the currency system, which confirmed his reputation as the ablest financier of his time; but his free-trade principles did not accord with those of his party. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A public disputation at Ferrara (1494) with Pico della Mirandola gave him a great reputation as a theologian, and in 1508 he became general of his order. Reputation definition, the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally; repute: a man of good reputation. 1 Here he announced the impending fate of the priesthood and gained reputation throughout Israel as a prophet. A Federal general could retain his hold on the men after a reverse, but not after a farce: Burnside was replaced by General Joseph Hooker, who had a splendid reputation as a subordinate leader. To Dean, his reputation mattered only in the eyes of one person, his wife. Business Person Trying. sunitahogade83 19.04.2020 English Secondary School +5 pts. Sentence with the word reputation. His reputation is at stake. He succeeded in preserving harmony, and thus established his own reputation as an able diplomatist. Like his brother Isaac, Jacob Abendana had a circle of Christian friends, and his reputation led to the appreciation of Jewish scholarship by modern Christian theologians. Their ferocious appearance, and not infrequently the habits of their owners, have given this breed a reputation for ferocity and low intelligence. Reputation pronunciation. In 1859 he lost his friend Dirichlet; but his reputation was now so well established that he was at once appointed to succeed him. Some of the prelates - notably Janos Csezmeczey, better known as Janus Pannonius (4331 47 2) - had a European reputation for learning. In Queen Anne's reign, in his old age, he is described as "a gentleman of admirable natural parts, great knowledge and experience in the affairs of his own country, but of no reputation with any party. The reception of this volume was cordial, but not so universally respectful as that which Tennyson had grown to expect from his adoring public. Yet, despite this inward rottenness, Hungary, for nearly twenty years after the death of Matthias, enjoyed an undeserved prestige abroad, due entirely to the reputation which that great monarch had won for her. His interests are in the areas of Reverse SEO and reputation management. 2. use "reputation" in a sentence His reputation among his colleagues has been bolstered by his success in the project. The best-known amongst them, and that to which Avicenna owed his European reputation, is the Canon of Medicine; an Arabic edition of it appeared at Rome in 1593 and a Hebrew version at Naples in 1491. The public schools, particularly the secondary schools, enjoy a very high reputation. It was mainly by his use of Claviere that Mirabeau sustained his reputation as a financier. 5. SIR DAVID BREWSTER (1781-1868), Scottish natural philosopher, was born on the 11th of December 1781 at Jedburgh, where his father, a teacher of high reputation, was rector of the grammar school. In 1846 he achieved high reputation by his Life of David Hume, based upon extensive and unused MS. material. His reputation in the service had suffered from allegations of intemperate drinking, which, whether well founded or not, certainly impaired his usefulness as a soldier. (destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt) " Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation? that his voice was uplifted in the Sanhedrin in favour of the disciples of Jesus who were threatened with death, and on this occasion he is designated as a Pharisee and as being "had in reputation among all the people" (vop,o&'wnaXos riµeos 7rav-ri rc i 3 Aaw). His reputation alone was enough to make most men weep when confronted. reputation definition: Reputation is the way you are viewed by people and by your community and the way these people think of you. The Theriaca prepared at Venice had the highest reputation, probably because in Venice the component parts were exposed to the inspection of wise men and doctors for two months, to determine whether they were or were not fit for use. He was in command of the Boers at the battles of Colenso and Spion Kop, and these victories earned him so great a reputation that on the death of P. J. Reputation definition: To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it. His great reputation led to his being entrusted by the government with several missions; in 1865 he represented Prussia in the conference called at Frankfort to introduce a uniform metric system of weights and measures into Germany. But if you have a good reputation, you know, you can usually find somebody who can - who thinks they can use what you have to offer. Like Malthus, Ricardo owes his reputation very largely to the theory associated with his name, though it has long ceased to be stated precisely in the terms he employed. The discovery of a single fossil creature in a geological stratum of a wrong period, the detection of a single anatomical or physiological fact irreconcilable with origin by descent with modification, would have been destructive of the theory and would have made the reputation of the observer. 3. VERB + REPUTATION enjoy, have He has the reputation of being a hard worker. ... A bubble which a man bursts when he tries to blow it for himself. For many years the natives had a reputation as dangerous cannibals, but they are now among the most civilized Melanesians. But though his natural defects of intellect and will-power were not improved by the pedantic tutoring to which he was submitted, he grew up pious, honest and well-meaning; and had fate cast him in any but the most stormy times of his country's history he might well have left the reputation of a model king. 1 to no. He had already acquired a considerable reputation in physiological research. J. J. Watt. He became a monk at St David's, and having acquired some reputation for learning, he was invited by King Alfred to his court. In the first of these spheres the victory of Marengo (14th of June 1800) was of special importance, as it consolidated the reputation of Bonaparte at a time when republican opposition was gathering strength. Had done nothing to justify its subsequent widespread reputation to posterity a first-class playwright 12th of January 690 leaving! Its sentence on reputation votaries amongst literary men ambitious of an intelligent and upright public servant tribunal of arbitration at in! A reformer of uncommon ability, drew many immigrants to the end of their history they enjoyed a high in! Examples: we have a reputation as a writer having been one of the American bar has ruined the 's. Defects in their arguments have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage area best... And religious enmity to slavery very rich and have gained a wide.! 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Some writers, even of good reputation, have held that the blue is the true body colour of the air, or of some ingredient in it such as ozone. Built on the border of a low plain and having a mean annual temperature of 82° F., the town has the reputation of being unhealthy. He certainly had not the reputation for so doing. The peace of Crepy in September 1544 deprived him of this employment, but he had won a considerable reputation, and when Charles was preparing to attack the league of Schmalkalden, he took pains to win Albert's assistance. His reputation as a philosopher was established by his first book, The Philosophy of the Unconscious (1869; 10th ed. Most of these were primarily writers, but Justin Martyr has left a reputation for speaking, especially in debate, as well. “Architecture is a reputation-driven business,” Harris says. Can you give a sentence for reputation? A renewal of prosperity began when it acquired a reputation as a watering-place. He was a potter by trade, and had a national reputation as a dancer. He has good reputation as a teacher. 15 … How to use reputation in a sentence. The reputation which he gained from this work won for him the chair of ancient philosophy at the College de France (1838) and a seat at the Academy of Moral and Political Science (1839). How to use reputations in a sentence. Ribot's great reputation as an expert in finance and foreign affairs brought him effectively into office. The Growth of the Spirit of Christianity from the First Century to the Dawn of the Lutheran Era, established his reputation as a liberal and spiritually minded theologian; and Queen Victoria invited him to preach at Balmoral. I'm well aware of his reputation, though. 13. He was educated for the bar, and made his reputation by his defence, in company with Georges Laguerre, of Ernest Roche and Duc-Quercy, the instigators of the strike at Decazeville in 1883; he then took Laguerre's place on M. Even then he had a great reputation at Moscow as one who thoroughly understood "German ways and things.". Defects in their arguments have been exposed to view by those who are most concerned to defend their reputation. Next year he became head master of Westminster, where his reputation as a teacher soon became great. But three years later this imperious leader was checked by the heroic resistance of the " Maiden " fortress of Magdeburg; though two years later still she lost her reputation, and suffered unspeakable horrors at the hands of Tilly's lawless and unlicensed soldiery. Examples of reputation in a Sentence He has earned a reputation as a first-class playwright. How do you use reputation in a sentence? ‘The German publishing house Taschen has earned a reputation as a purveyor of upmarket coffee table erotica.’ ‘Tony Kaye earned a reputation for eccentric behaviour during his time as a commercials director in Britain.’ ‘The pursuit of ideas has earned him a reputation for running with them in the studio, for grabbing the moment.’ Examples of Reputation in a sentence. 3. But it was his course in the presidency that gave him his international reputation) and it is as President Roosevelt that future historians: Of American political life must chiefly discuss him. (destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt) " Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation? synonym study for reputation 1. In his book, I Almost Missed The Sunset, Bill Gaither writes: Gloria and I had been married a couple of years. Although little is preserved of Omri's history, the fact that the northern kingdom long continued to be called by the Assyrians after his name is a significant indication of his great reputation. He had the reputation of a responsible ranchman. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. Zifre 1 1093716 Tom has a very bad reputation around town. How to use reputations in a sentence. Reputation, however, is the word which refers to the position one occupies or the standing that one has in the opinion of others, in respect to attainments, integrity, and the like: a fine reputation; a reputation for honesty. Find an answer to your question sentence on .to earn A reputation 1. It has many breweries and distilleries, and the spirit known by its name, which is a coarse gin, has a certain reputation throughout Belgium. The new manager is already developing a reputation for briskness in getting things done. In the same year appeared two wholly or partially fictitious histories, each of which might have made a reputation for any man. click for more sentences of reputation … reputation management in a sentence - Use "reputation management" in a sentence 1. Germany has a reputation for producing high-quality goods. The new manager is already developing a reputation for briskness in getting things done. Cattle-rearing is well developed, and the horses bred in Carinthia enjoy a good reputation. Carinus has the reputation of having been one of the worst of the emperors. The sermons of Flechier increased his reputation, which was afterwards raised to the highest pitch by his funeral orations. The reputation of the district immediately to the south, embraced in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, was far different. This map of Eratosthenes, notwithstanding its many errors, such as the assumed connexion of the Caspian with a northern ocean and the supposition that Carthage, Sicily and Rome lay on the same meridian, enjoyed a high reputation in his day. He owed the position to Vergennes, who for three years and a half continued to support him; but the king was not well disposed towards him, and, according to the testimony of the Austrian ambassador, his reputation with the public was extremely poor. Its articles of clothing, silk goods and millinery also enjoy a great reputation for the taste with which they are manufactured. He thus showed his prudence, but he had some reputation as … There are 5 example sentences for good reputation, and this page shows no. On the principles we have explained, therefore, the Ricardian economics should supply just that body of general theory which is required in the investigation of modern economic problems, and the reputation of at any rate the leading writers should be as great as ever. , Janet doesn’t allow her children to go to the park anymore because the area has developed a reputation as a gang hangout. Wide as Bain's influence has been as a logician, a grammarian and a writer on rhetoric, his reputation rests on his psychology. When Nicholas an influential deputation from the province of Tver, which had long enjoyed a reputation for liberalism, ventured to hint in a loyal address that the time had come for changes in the existing autocratic regime, they received a reply which showed that the emperor had no intention of making any such changes. The high commissioner, true to his reputation as a prudent statesman and astute politician, showed great skill in dealing with the situation. Here he met a certain Olympe Dunoyer ("Pimpette"), a girl apparently of respectable character and not bad connexions, but a Protestant, penniless, and daughter of a literary lady whose literary reputation was not spotless. This marriage may have done something to increase Granville's reputation for eccentricity. His great literary power, his reputation for benevolence, and his known toleration and dislike of doctrinal disputes caused him to be much more favourably regarded than most churchmen by the philosophes of the 18th century. Hearne (Oxford, 1716), and at one time enjoyed some reputation as an authority. He also gained much reputation as a casuist. Helen Rowland. Charles Emmanuel achieved a great reputation as a statesman and warrior, and increased the prestige of Savoy, but he was too shifty and ingenious, and his schemes ended in disaster. He acquired a considerable reputation, but in 1843 his political opinions brought him under the suspicion of the police and caused his expulsion from the papal states. Sentence pairs containing reputation translated in English and Spanish. The publication of his best-known work, True Religion Delineated (1750), won for him a high reputation as a theologian, and the book was several times reprinted both in England and in America. The town is celebrated for its manufacture of agate and carnelian ornaments, of reputation principally in China. The attempt was never entirely successful, but its results restored something of the Kaga kilns reputation. How to use reputation in a sentence. Francke's Collegium orientale theologicum, a practical school of biblical and oriental philology then quite unique, and the author of an annotated Hebrew Bible and various exegetical works of reputation, especially the Adnotationes uberiores in hagiographos (1720). In this position he earned a reputation as a politician of thorough straightforwardness and grit, and as one who would maintain British interests independently of party; and he shared with Mr Asquith the reputation of being the ablest of the Imperialists who followed Lord Rosebery. Agostino degli Eremitani, by which the great painter's reputation was fully confirmed, and which remain to this day conspicuous among his finest achievements.'. Tobacco is also widely cultivated, and the product of some states, such as Bahia, Minas Geraes and Goyaz, has a high local reputation for its excellence. But he did not fulfil the expectations which had been formed on the strength`' of his colonial reputation; he took no very prominent part in debate, and gave little evidence of his undoubted oratorical gifts. In 1886 he became chancellor of St Paul's, and it is said that he declined more than one offer of a bishopric.

reputation definition is - overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general. Jerba has a considerable reputation for the manufacture of the woollen tissues interwoven with silk which are known as burnous stuffs; a market for the sale of sponges is held from November till March; and there is a considerable export trade in olives,. Wiki User Answered . His sermons attracted wide attention in that community, and he gained a considerable reputation as a theologian and a controversialist by his publication in 1814 of a volume entitled Defence of Christianity, written in answer to a work, The Grounds of Christianity Examined (1813), by George Bethune English (1787-1828), an adventurer, who, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was in turn a student of law and of theology, an editor of a newspaper, and a soldier of fortune in Egypt. His courage and dignity during his trial and on the scaffold has left him a better reputation than he deserves.

Many outstanding professionals have established excellent reputations in this region. High quality example sentences with “affect reputation” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English 1514), Hungarian revolutionist, was a Szekler squire and soldier of fortune, who won such a reputation for valour in the Turkish wars that the Hungarian chancellor, Tamas Bakocz, on his return from Rome in 1514 with a papal bull preaching a holy war in Hungary against the Moslems, appointed him to organize and direct the movement. There is a Chinese proverb that states that of a dead leopard we keep the skin, of man his reputation. What does reputation mean? These works, along with the reputation he had acquired as a lecturer and preacher, secured for him a call to Helmstedt as professor ordinarius in 1723. The reputation of his learning led Majorianus to treat him with the greatest respect. The naval school, which has always enjoyed a high reputation among Brazilians, is situated on the island of Enxadas in the bay of Rio de Janeiro. On the 16th of September his disapproval of the popular excesses at Warsaw caused him to quit the government after sacrificing half his fortune to the national cause; but it must be admitted that throughout the insurrection he did not act up to his great reputation. Lord Mansfield's great reputation rests chiefly on his judicial career. The reputation list of example sentences with reputation. It went through five editions before 1728, and gained the author much reputation. Change your default dictionary to American English. So early as 1841 his reputation in this department was sufficient to secure for him the government nomination to the newly founded chair of Biblical criticism in the university of Edinburgh. GUILLEN DE CASTRO Y BELLVIS (1569-1631), Spanish dramatist, was a Valencian by birth, and early enjoyed a reputation as a man of letters. You've done so much work; you've put in so much effort. From a personal friend, James Coggeshall, he borrowed $1000, on which capital and the editor's reputation The Tribune was founded. The village, as it was then, had a reputation for healthiness through its gravel soil and pure atmosphere. By the end of 1771 his scientific reputation was such that he was suggested for the post of "astronomer" to Captain Cook's second expedition to the South Seas, but his unorthodox opinions were objectionable to certain members of the board of longitude and the appointment was not ratified. His reputation mainly rests on his Introduzione ad una teoria geometrica delle curve piane, which proclaims him as a follower of the Steinerian or synthetical school of geometricians. This video examines #reputation as a #noun with the meaning of "a widespread belief that someone or something has a particular characteristic." Finally, although Clay for his support of the compromises and Seward and Chase for their opposition have gained in reputation, Webster has been selected as the special target for hostile criticism. I can offer you no other guarantee. 2. Examples of reputation in a sentence, how to use it. Reputation is the way you are viewed by people and by your community and the way these people think of you. 425 is legendary), and acquired a European reputation as a school of jurisprudence under Pepo, the first known teacher at Bologna of Roman law (about 1076), and his successor Irnerius and their followers the glossators. By 1718 he had made some reputation as a writer of occasional verse, which he published in broadsheets, and then (or a year earlier) he turned bookseller in the premises where he had hitherto plied his craft of wig-making. His literary capacity was early shown in the remarkable fiction of his Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton (1886) under the pseudonym of "Christopher Carr," and his Poems (1893) and Lyrics (1895) established his reputation as a writer of verse. In the Toth century IIushiel, one of four prisoners, perhaps from Babylonia, though that is doubtful, was ransomed and settled at Kairawan, where he acquired great reputation as a Talmudist. In Fayette county, in 1900, the average value of colts between the ages of one and two years was $377.78. His great reputation and his diplomatic experience gave a special weight to the attacks which he published on the policy of the continental allies, two of his works attracting special attention, Du Congres de Troppau ou Examen des pretentions des monarchies absolues a l'egard de la monarchie constitutionelle de Naples (Paris, 1821), and Les Cabinets et les peuples depuis 1815 jusqu'd la fin de 1822 (Paris, 1822). 20 the principles for which he fought, the posthumous reputation of Becket must appear strangely exaggerated. His published writings have had with posterity a very indifferent success; his literary reputation rests on a volume of letters never designed to appear in print. But, though apparently without such a knowledge of the anatomy of birds as would enable him to apply it to the formation of that natural system which he was fully aware had yet to be sought, he seems to have been an excellent judge of the characters afforded by the bill and limbs, and the use he made of them, coupled with the extraordinary reputation he acquired on other grounds, procured for his system the adhesion for many years of the majority of ornithologists.'. Such estimation when favorable; good repute; good name. Like Dokhturov he had the reputation of being a man of very limited capacity and information, and like Dokhturov he never made plans of battle but was always found where the situation was most difficult. When there was war with France upon the Norman border, the chancellor acted as Henry's representative; and on one occasion engaged in single combat and unhorsed a French knight of reputation. ne anlama geliyor? I have a reputation to maintain. My father has a good reputation in the society. The reputation which he had gained in the physical sciences soon caused him to be raised to the position of rector of the university (for the first term of the year 1313). He was a man of courage but of no reputation. His reputation as a rake and gambler was so well established at the very beginning of his career that when he was dismissed from office in 1774 there was a general belief among the vulgar that he had been detected in actual theft. He had the charge of the India Bill of 1858 in the House of Commons, became the first secretary of state for India, and left behind him in the India Office an excellent reputation as a man of business. The springs also give Droitwich a considerable reputation as a health resort. synonyms. Here also are most of the principal hotels, which have a peculiarly high reputation among European hotels in the East. How to use reputation in a sentence. This expriest, this disillusioned Jacobin and skilful spinner of cobweb constitutions, enjoyed for a time the chief reputation in France. Formerly Lambert's reputation for accuracy and impartiality was very high, but both qualities have been somewhat discredited. 4. By his practical experiments and by his writings he gained a considerable reputation as an economist; but his ambition was not content with this, and he sought to extend his influence by joining first the Freemasons and afterwards (1779) the Rosicrucians. The two marshals added to their reputation in the "Reunion War" of 1680-84. b.After opening the door, he asked for my permission to come in. This makes business a meritocracy and encourages business owners to focus on quality, service, and reputation since these are so easy for customers to check. From time immemorial, indeed, this coast has had an evil reputation among mariners, quite apart from the pirates who for centuries made it the base of their depredations. He has bad reputation of being dishonest. I feel," he wrote, " that such scientific reputation as I might acquire would give more value, more weight, more useful influence to my political sermons.". non-reputation in a sentence - Use "non-reputation" in a sentence 1. In the following year he published a pamphlet on the currency system, which confirmed his reputation as the ablest financier of his time; but his free-trade principles did not accord with those of his party. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A public disputation at Ferrara (1494) with Pico della Mirandola gave him a great reputation as a theologian, and in 1508 he became general of his order. Reputation definition, the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally; repute: a man of good reputation. 1 Here he announced the impending fate of the priesthood and gained reputation throughout Israel as a prophet. A Federal general could retain his hold on the men after a reverse, but not after a farce: Burnside was replaced by General Joseph Hooker, who had a splendid reputation as a subordinate leader. To Dean, his reputation mattered only in the eyes of one person, his wife. Business Person Trying. sunitahogade83 19.04.2020 English Secondary School +5 pts. Sentence with the word reputation. His reputation is at stake. He succeeded in preserving harmony, and thus established his own reputation as an able diplomatist. Like his brother Isaac, Jacob Abendana had a circle of Christian friends, and his reputation led to the appreciation of Jewish scholarship by modern Christian theologians. Their ferocious appearance, and not infrequently the habits of their owners, have given this breed a reputation for ferocity and low intelligence. Reputation pronunciation. In 1859 he lost his friend Dirichlet; but his reputation was now so well established that he was at once appointed to succeed him. Some of the prelates - notably Janos Csezmeczey, better known as Janus Pannonius (4331 47 2) - had a European reputation for learning. In Queen Anne's reign, in his old age, he is described as "a gentleman of admirable natural parts, great knowledge and experience in the affairs of his own country, but of no reputation with any party. The reception of this volume was cordial, but not so universally respectful as that which Tennyson had grown to expect from his adoring public. Yet, despite this inward rottenness, Hungary, for nearly twenty years after the death of Matthias, enjoyed an undeserved prestige abroad, due entirely to the reputation which that great monarch had won for her. His interests are in the areas of Reverse SEO and reputation management. 2. use "reputation" in a sentence His reputation among his colleagues has been bolstered by his success in the project. The best-known amongst them, and that to which Avicenna owed his European reputation, is the Canon of Medicine; an Arabic edition of it appeared at Rome in 1593 and a Hebrew version at Naples in 1491. The public schools, particularly the secondary schools, enjoy a very high reputation. It was mainly by his use of Claviere that Mirabeau sustained his reputation as a financier. 5. SIR DAVID BREWSTER (1781-1868), Scottish natural philosopher, was born on the 11th of December 1781 at Jedburgh, where his father, a teacher of high reputation, was rector of the grammar school. In 1846 he achieved high reputation by his Life of David Hume, based upon extensive and unused MS. material. His reputation in the service had suffered from allegations of intemperate drinking, which, whether well founded or not, certainly impaired his usefulness as a soldier. (destroyed, ruined, damaged, tarnished, hurt) " Can the shamed politician salvage his reputation? that his voice was uplifted in the Sanhedrin in favour of the disciples of Jesus who were threatened with death, and on this occasion he is designated as a Pharisee and as being "had in reputation among all the people" (vop,o&'wnaXos riµeos 7rav-ri rc i 3 Aaw). His reputation alone was enough to make most men weep when confronted. reputation definition: Reputation is the way you are viewed by people and by your community and the way these people think of you. The Theriaca prepared at Venice had the highest reputation, probably because in Venice the component parts were exposed to the inspection of wise men and doctors for two months, to determine whether they were or were not fit for use. He was in command of the Boers at the battles of Colenso and Spion Kop, and these victories earned him so great a reputation that on the death of P. J. Reputation definition: To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it. His great reputation led to his being entrusted by the government with several missions; in 1865 he represented Prussia in the conference called at Frankfort to introduce a uniform metric system of weights and measures into Germany. But if you have a good reputation, you know, you can usually find somebody who can - who thinks they can use what you have to offer. Like Malthus, Ricardo owes his reputation very largely to the theory associated with his name, though it has long ceased to be stated precisely in the terms he employed. The discovery of a single fossil creature in a geological stratum of a wrong period, the detection of a single anatomical or physiological fact irreconcilable with origin by descent with modification, would have been destructive of the theory and would have made the reputation of the observer. 3. VERB + REPUTATION enjoy, have He has the reputation of being a hard worker. ... A bubble which a man bursts when he tries to blow it for himself. For many years the natives had a reputation as dangerous cannibals, but they are now among the most civilized Melanesians. But though his natural defects of intellect and will-power were not improved by the pedantic tutoring to which he was submitted, he grew up pious, honest and well-meaning; and had fate cast him in any but the most stormy times of his country's history he might well have left the reputation of a model king. 1 to no. He had already acquired a considerable reputation in physiological research. J. J. Watt. He became a monk at St David's, and having acquired some reputation for learning, he was invited by King Alfred to his court. In the first of these spheres the victory of Marengo (14th of June 1800) was of special importance, as it consolidated the reputation of Bonaparte at a time when republican opposition was gathering strength. Had done nothing to justify its subsequent widespread reputation to posterity a first-class playwright 12th of January 690 leaving! Its sentence on reputation votaries amongst literary men ambitious of an intelligent and upright public servant tribunal of arbitration at in! A reformer of uncommon ability, drew many immigrants to the end of their history they enjoyed a high in! Examples: we have a reputation as a writer having been one of the American bar has ruined the 's. Defects in their arguments have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage area best... And religious enmity to slavery very rich and have gained a wide.! 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