
santa clara county sheriff pio
santa clara county sheriff pio
"Just because I'm an elected official doesn't mean I don't have to follow the rules. So we would usually tell people that we would get to it, but there is a backlog, Glennon said. I've had a really well-rounded career," he said, noting he was also assistant chief of the Department of Corrections running the jail before it was taken over by Smith.If elected, he would be a different kind of sheriff from Smith, who had once been his professional partner. It came with an implicit message: Pay up, and soon youll be packing heat. The most important quality he wants in his deputies. The trial against Smith stems . There he handed over a $45,000 check made out to the Santa Clara County Public Safety Alliance, a pro-Smith independent expenditure committee whose finances were co-managed by Schumb. Voters either looked the other way or people didnt have a lot of knowledge or interest.. Jonsen served as Chief of Police for the City of Palo Alto prior to his election. "I'm a talker. He lives in south San Jose with his wife and blended family of four children. Updated: Jan 14, 2022 / 10:59 PM PST. I have been in contact with Sen. Becker and his office about SB 1000 and support it 100%. "Everyone has a story," retired Santa Clara County Sheriff's Capt. Jethro Moore, chaplain of Buffalo Soldiers Silicon Valley Chapter and the Silicon Valley NAACP immediate past president; Eric Taylor, retired assistant sheriff; and multiple retired sheriff's deputies. In a Silicon Valley Public Accountability Foundation questionnaire of the candidates, Colton framed her responses in Constitutional terms: The sheriff protects the citizens and upholds their Constitutional rights. As sheriff, he would provide education to the public on how to better protect their neighborhoods, and he would work collaboratively with law enforcement throughout the county. He also understands both sides of the law due to his early arrest and the racism he has encountered within the system.He has extensive experience working in corrections and as a trainer and isn't shy about standing up for what he believes in and speaking out about the improvements he believes are needed. Voters in the June 7 primary will determine which two candidates move on to the general election in November. Her position was if she had the application but never started the background, she was within the Penal Code, he said. Embarcadero Media file photo by Magali Gauthier. Feds drop felony gun case days after defense argued SFPD illegally arrested, searched defendant Finally, it would be interest to know if the application of official scrutiny would ever actually fix the corruption or just stop for awhile while they are being scrutinized but will go back to oppressing individuals rights under the law. At Brakers prompting, Glennon explained how a applying for a CCW should work versus how it actually worked during his few-year tenure in the unit that processed them. When I have my one-on ones, I lay it out very clearly. She said she wants to break bread with people so that they will feel they can trust and confide in the deputies when they face hate crimes or other problems in their communities. The Sheriff's Office. He also understands both sides of the law due to his early arrest and the racism he has encountered within the system. Your email address will not be published. If we don't have a seat at the table, we don't deserve the trust," he said. It became his lifelong career, taking him through nearly every opportunity the profession had to offer, he said. 70 West Hedding Street East Wing, 11th Floor San Jose, CA 95110. Endorsements: Police chiefs and top law enforcement including those in Los Altos and Menlo Park; multiple members of Jonsen's community advisory group, among others. Courtesy photos. He openly criticized the department's RedMan training of deputies, who spar with a proctor who wears a fully protective padded suit, after the 2020 death of a recruit during an intensive defensive-tactics-training session.Jail reform and use of forceAllen said he has seen an increase in the number of inmates with mental illness during his career. Nagaye, 50, has been with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department for 20 years and has been a supervising sergeant for six years. Instead, he implemented an online system by which members of the media and the public submit a form and wait for a callback rather than talk immediately to a watch commander. When someone sent an application through the mail or dropped it off at the Sheriffs Office headquarters off of Younger Avenue in San Jose, Glennon said hed log the information on a spreadsheet and then file it. Whether or not by design, the system manufactured scarcity. He is a former president of the California Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates. "Between enforcement and custody, there are 1,200 deputies, but it's rare to see someone in an executive position come down and talk to the people. Ending this policy, which has been adopted by many agencies around the state, is one of the first steps to regaining public trust through transparency, not to mention to support the freedom of the press as protected in the First Amendment," she said. Smith, who announced her retirement on Monday while the jury was deliberating, faced the charges in a civil trial that had been filed by a Santa County Civil Grand Jury in December. Kevin Jensen A well-rounded retiree who wants to rebuild trust"Everyone has a story," retired Santa Clara County Sheriff's Capt. "In the sheriff's office, I was referred to as OJ Simpson," he said. I would take things to heart and they would get an answer," she said.Nagaye said she would also be transparent with the media and would be responsive when the media comes to an event. In 2015, the average daily population for the Santa Clara County Correctional facilities was . Three people were found dead and one was transported to a hospital after a suspected fentanyl overdose in unincorporated Gilroy. Here's where we stand, Armed carjacking suspect leads police on dangerous chase. "I'm 100% in favor of full transparency. Nielsen testified that the shooting was the 9/11 of Silicon Valley, where a lot of clients started to want to have armed personnel. It was also a big opportunity for security professionals: Among the firms clients were executives with Facebook. Palo Alto Online On December 15, 1998, Laurie Smith became the 28th person to hold the position of sheriff in Santa Clara County, California and the first woman law enforcement officer to hold the office of sheriff in the history of California. Even if force is used, I have high expectations that my officers know the laws," he said. 16. Smith said during a news conference that an in-depth review is necessary to get the true facts.. When asked about SB 1000, Sen. Josh Becker's bill to limit radio encryption, Jensen expressed caution. He is a former president of the California Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates.Endorsements: Wide ranging, including the Santa Clara County Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Santa Clara County Correctional Peace Officers' Association, multiple fire and police groups and individuals, including retired Palo Alto police Chief Dennis Burns.Website: kevinjensen4sheriff.comWhy he says he's the best-qualified candidate"I've done about every job you can do. Bob Jonsen, Palo Alto's police chief, is vying for a job once held by his great-uncle, Jonathan Sweigert, who was Santa Clara County sheriff from 1887 to 1891. Jensen said he would run a transparent sheriff's office that would openly communicate with the people it serves rather than hide information. ", RELATED: Researchers are honing in on potential Fentanyl vaccine amid national opioid crisis. 2023 Mountain View Online. She would also make sure that all officers rotate among enforcement and custody positions so they have a well-rounded view of inmates and a broad range of experiences. Melissa Hernandez was a member of the 2021-22 Los Angeles Times Fellowship class. Regarding the office's use of its budget, Nagaye said that if elected, "I would hire a forensic accountant to find out where the pitfalls are with money. As sheriff, he said, he would continue community policing and engage in outreach to help all areas of the community. It's being mismanaged now because people in command-staff positions are without a degree in finance and economics," she said. For years its been an open secret in Santa Clara County that political supporters of Smith received special treatment from her agency. He rose to the rank of captain and held the post of assistant chief in the Department of Correction for two years. Before arriving in California, she was an investigative/enterprise reporter for Fresh Take Florida, a news service offered by UF. The city has also faced a number of lawsuits during Jonsen's tenure, alleging excessive use of force by Palo Alto officers. She would provide social workers and inmate education to help address issues that cause recidivism. A San Jose native, he graduated from UCLA with a BA degree in history and from the University of Maryland with a MA degree in journalism. A week later, the DAs office served search warrants at the sheriffs headquarters. But a short time later, their cover was blown although it would take months more before the sheriffs office realized it. I represent the diversity of Santa Clara County. But he observed that some applications were handled differently. Since the establishment of the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office, seven officers have died while on duty.[7]. The sheriff said her office may consider releasing the requested information in the case as long as there are no negative repercussions to the victims and their families. David Sanders, the CEO of a Santa Clara computer services firm and a campaign contributor to Sheriff Laurie Smith, opened the trunk of his car and pointed to his handgun. When elected, I will end this policy within the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office," she said. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo on Monday called for the resignation of Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith amid multiple use-of-force incidents and alleged misconduct under her watch, and on . Kevin Jensen said during a recent interview, prefacing his own of a tough upbringing.A self-described "trailer-trash kid," he lived in the city of Fontana, a high-crime area then derogatorily called "Felony Flats. "The California Highway Patrol and LAPD have shown that there are ways to work around the issues that have been brought up. "My exposure to these things has given me a different insight," he said. San Jose Inside. He openly criticized the department's RedMan training of deputies, who spar with a proctor who wears a fully protective padded suit, after the 2020 death of a recruit during an intensive defensive-tactics-training session. California Penal Code Sec. Can California's power grid handle a 15-fold increase in electric cars? The Board of Supervisors. He would institute listening sessions with the community and hear about any problems people have with deputies or other personnel, he said. Christine Nagaye A reformer who supports 'full transparency'Christine Nagaye has used challenges throughout her life to achieve her goals. Capt. On July 20the first day of criminal grand jury proceedings to hear evidence in what Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen believes was a bribery conspiracyDeputy District Attorney Matt Braker had just finished laying out the prosecutions theories when he called first witness to the stand: Sgt. With election day less than a week away, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's race is down to two candidates: Bob Jonsen and Kevin Jensen. The incident was a brazen riff on Californias carefully crafted concealed-gun permit law, but it emerges as typical of Santa Clara Countys freewheeling, pay-to-play version of the process, as alleged in testimony detailed in 900 pages of grand jury transcripts released late last month. Her top brass faces charges of corruption and bribery, and the state attorney general is investigating her office for civil rights violations. Sitting in an office all day would drive me nuts. He said Smiths alleged mismanagement as the longest-serving elected sheriff in Santa Clara County has destroyed lives and violated the most basic of civil rights of inmates and created a dystopian place of horrible suffering., Smith did not directly address Liccardos call for her resignation, but when asked whether she intended to step down, she said, At this time, no.. Redwood City Pulse, 2023 Mountain View Online As coordinator of the Antelope Valley Crime Fighting Initiative, his programs reduced crime by 29%, and the initiative received the statewide James Q. Wilson Award for Community Policing in 2010, he said. He said he would also work to break the cycle of fear and intimidation in the jail, where inmates have created a self-governance culture. "The number one change she would make as sheriff is increasing transparency. She would retrain more deputies who are on patrol in these skills and add more mental health services onto PERT teams. "One of the first things he would do is work on changing the culture in law enforcement toward being forthcoming about bad players and incidents they see while on the job. I am exposed to it. Calls friendship with Christopher Schumb a fatal conflict that cannot be ignored and impediment to fair trial. The state Attorney General's Office cleared Christopher Schumb of two felony charges Monday morning, citing lack of evidence. Jonsen, 59, a Palo Alto resident, has worked in law enforcement for 36 years. He also wants to restructure the jails to become educational facilities to help people develop skills so that they can get jobs and not offend again. He would establish school-outreach programs to educate children on crime prevention, gang activity, substance abuse, internet crimes and other offenses to which they can become prey. Both required discipline and commitment, attributes she said are important to achieve success and to lead.Nagaye, 50, has been with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department for 20 years and has been a supervising sergeant for six years. On Aug. 31, on the first arraignment date for the case. James Jensen, attorneys Harpaul Nahal and Christopher Schumb and gun dealer Michael Nichols go to trial on Nov. 2. PR MediaRelease As the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office remains embroiled in controversy over alleged corruption and mismanagement, five candidates vying for Sheriff Laurie Smith's seat will be tasked with proving they can restore public confidence in the law enforcement agency. But the biggest driver of CCW applications, by far, according to Glennon, was Capt. And the issue that has drawn the strongest scrutiny is the sheriffs allocation of concealed-carry weapon permits, the licenses that allow civilians to legally carry handguns in public. "Your job is never retribution," he said. There's already a common practice in law enforcement to switch to a different channel for private conversations. Former Pleasanton cop found not guilty of murder in DUI crash It all seemed to unravel after an executive security agent with no history of support for Smith forced his way into the VIP realm with a really big check. "I think we just need to not just work on the reactive piece, that means getting Narcan into people's hands, but really work on the preventive piece of reducing supply and demand and make sure that people have access to treatment if they developed an addiction," Sussman said. In the 20 years I've been in this agency I only used pepper spray one time and I was ordered to use it," she said.During her training sessions, Nagaye said she focuses on getting deputies to stop thinking about "going hands on" with inmates as a first resort. He would support deputizing mental health professionals to work in the jails. A look inside San Jose politics and culture. (Illustration by Kathy Manlapaz). Christine Nagaye. During her training sessions, Nagaye said she focuses on getting deputies to stop thinking about "going hands on" with inmates as a first resort. Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff 3 years 10 months Public Information Officer (PIO) Apr 2021 - Present1 year 2 months Deputy Sheriff Aug 2018 - Apr 20212 years 9 months Office. I would take things to heart and they would get an answer," she said. "Jail reform and use of forceNagaye supports having a civilian watchdog to audit law enforcement practices and the management of the county jails. Despite the city's settlements for excessive force by his department, Jonsen noted that the city paid out less than $1 million compared to the county, which has paid more than $20 million. The grand jury convened July 20 of this year and handed down its indictments Aug. 6. "I understand the need for community-based, world-class law enforcement. Instead, he chose a career in law enforcement so he could institute reforms while keeping the public safe, he said. Metodolohiya Ng Kapitan Sino Ni Bob Ong, Matt Amadio Biography, Articles S
"Just because I'm an elected official doesn't mean I don't have to follow the rules. So we would usually tell people that we would get to it, but there is a backlog, Glennon said. I've had a really well-rounded career," he said, noting he was also assistant chief of the Department of Corrections running the jail before it was taken over by Smith.If elected, he would be a different kind of sheriff from Smith, who had once been his professional partner. It came with an implicit message: Pay up, and soon youll be packing heat. The most important quality he wants in his deputies. The trial against Smith stems . There he handed over a $45,000 check made out to the Santa Clara County Public Safety Alliance, a pro-Smith independent expenditure committee whose finances were co-managed by Schumb. Voters either looked the other way or people didnt have a lot of knowledge or interest.. Jonsen served as Chief of Police for the City of Palo Alto prior to his election. "I'm a talker. He lives in south San Jose with his wife and blended family of four children. Updated: Jan 14, 2022 / 10:59 PM PST. I have been in contact with Sen. Becker and his office about SB 1000 and support it 100%. "Everyone has a story," retired Santa Clara County Sheriff's Capt. Jethro Moore, chaplain of Buffalo Soldiers Silicon Valley Chapter and the Silicon Valley NAACP immediate past president; Eric Taylor, retired assistant sheriff; and multiple retired sheriff's deputies. In a Silicon Valley Public Accountability Foundation questionnaire of the candidates, Colton framed her responses in Constitutional terms: The sheriff protects the citizens and upholds their Constitutional rights. As sheriff, he would provide education to the public on how to better protect their neighborhoods, and he would work collaboratively with law enforcement throughout the county. He also understands both sides of the law due to his early arrest and the racism he has encountered within the system.He has extensive experience working in corrections and as a trainer and isn't shy about standing up for what he believes in and speaking out about the improvements he believes are needed. Voters in the June 7 primary will determine which two candidates move on to the general election in November. Her position was if she had the application but never started the background, she was within the Penal Code, he said. Embarcadero Media file photo by Magali Gauthier. Feds drop felony gun case days after defense argued SFPD illegally arrested, searched defendant Finally, it would be interest to know if the application of official scrutiny would ever actually fix the corruption or just stop for awhile while they are being scrutinized but will go back to oppressing individuals rights under the law. At Brakers prompting, Glennon explained how a applying for a CCW should work versus how it actually worked during his few-year tenure in the unit that processed them. When I have my one-on ones, I lay it out very clearly. She said she wants to break bread with people so that they will feel they can trust and confide in the deputies when they face hate crimes or other problems in their communities. The Sheriff's Office. He also understands both sides of the law due to his early arrest and the racism he has encountered within the system. Your email address will not be published. If we don't have a seat at the table, we don't deserve the trust," he said. It became his lifelong career, taking him through nearly every opportunity the profession had to offer, he said. 70 West Hedding Street East Wing, 11th Floor San Jose, CA 95110. Endorsements: Police chiefs and top law enforcement including those in Los Altos and Menlo Park; multiple members of Jonsen's community advisory group, among others. Courtesy photos. He openly criticized the department's RedMan training of deputies, who spar with a proctor who wears a fully protective padded suit, after the 2020 death of a recruit during an intensive defensive-tactics-training session.Jail reform and use of forceAllen said he has seen an increase in the number of inmates with mental illness during his career. Nagaye, 50, has been with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department for 20 years and has been a supervising sergeant for six years. Instead, he implemented an online system by which members of the media and the public submit a form and wait for a callback rather than talk immediately to a watch commander. When someone sent an application through the mail or dropped it off at the Sheriffs Office headquarters off of Younger Avenue in San Jose, Glennon said hed log the information on a spreadsheet and then file it. Whether or not by design, the system manufactured scarcity. He is a former president of the California Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates. "Between enforcement and custody, there are 1,200 deputies, but it's rare to see someone in an executive position come down and talk to the people. Ending this policy, which has been adopted by many agencies around the state, is one of the first steps to regaining public trust through transparency, not to mention to support the freedom of the press as protected in the First Amendment," she said. Smith, who announced her retirement on Monday while the jury was deliberating, faced the charges in a civil trial that had been filed by a Santa County Civil Grand Jury in December. Kevin Jensen A well-rounded retiree who wants to rebuild trust"Everyone has a story," retired Santa Clara County Sheriff's Capt. "In the sheriff's office, I was referred to as OJ Simpson," he said. I would take things to heart and they would get an answer," she said.Nagaye said she would also be transparent with the media and would be responsive when the media comes to an event. In 2015, the average daily population for the Santa Clara County Correctional facilities was . Three people were found dead and one was transported to a hospital after a suspected fentanyl overdose in unincorporated Gilroy. Here's where we stand, Armed carjacking suspect leads police on dangerous chase. "I'm 100% in favor of full transparency. Nielsen testified that the shooting was the 9/11 of Silicon Valley, where a lot of clients started to want to have armed personnel. It was also a big opportunity for security professionals: Among the firms clients were executives with Facebook. Palo Alto Online On December 15, 1998, Laurie Smith became the 28th person to hold the position of sheriff in Santa Clara County, California and the first woman law enforcement officer to hold the office of sheriff in the history of California. Even if force is used, I have high expectations that my officers know the laws," he said. 16. Smith said during a news conference that an in-depth review is necessary to get the true facts.. When asked about SB 1000, Sen. Josh Becker's bill to limit radio encryption, Jensen expressed caution. He is a former president of the California Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates.Endorsements: Wide ranging, including the Santa Clara County Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Santa Clara County Correctional Peace Officers' Association, multiple fire and police groups and individuals, including retired Palo Alto police Chief Dennis Burns.Website: kevinjensen4sheriff.comWhy he says he's the best-qualified candidate"I've done about every job you can do. Bob Jonsen, Palo Alto's police chief, is vying for a job once held by his great-uncle, Jonathan Sweigert, who was Santa Clara County sheriff from 1887 to 1891. Jensen said he would run a transparent sheriff's office that would openly communicate with the people it serves rather than hide information. ", RELATED: Researchers are honing in on potential Fentanyl vaccine amid national opioid crisis. 2023 Mountain View Online. She would also make sure that all officers rotate among enforcement and custody positions so they have a well-rounded view of inmates and a broad range of experiences. Melissa Hernandez was a member of the 2021-22 Los Angeles Times Fellowship class. Regarding the office's use of its budget, Nagaye said that if elected, "I would hire a forensic accountant to find out where the pitfalls are with money. As sheriff, he said, he would continue community policing and engage in outreach to help all areas of the community. It's being mismanaged now because people in command-staff positions are without a degree in finance and economics," she said. For years its been an open secret in Santa Clara County that political supporters of Smith received special treatment from her agency. He rose to the rank of captain and held the post of assistant chief in the Department of Correction for two years. Before arriving in California, she was an investigative/enterprise reporter for Fresh Take Florida, a news service offered by UF. The city has also faced a number of lawsuits during Jonsen's tenure, alleging excessive use of force by Palo Alto officers. She would provide social workers and inmate education to help address issues that cause recidivism. A San Jose native, he graduated from UCLA with a BA degree in history and from the University of Maryland with a MA degree in journalism. A week later, the DAs office served search warrants at the sheriffs headquarters. But a short time later, their cover was blown although it would take months more before the sheriffs office realized it. I represent the diversity of Santa Clara County. But he observed that some applications were handled differently. Since the establishment of the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office, seven officers have died while on duty.[7]. The sheriff said her office may consider releasing the requested information in the case as long as there are no negative repercussions to the victims and their families. David Sanders, the CEO of a Santa Clara computer services firm and a campaign contributor to Sheriff Laurie Smith, opened the trunk of his car and pointed to his handgun. When elected, I will end this policy within the Santa Clara Sheriff's Office," she said. San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo on Monday called for the resignation of Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith amid multiple use-of-force incidents and alleged misconduct under her watch, and on . Kevin Jensen said during a recent interview, prefacing his own of a tough upbringing.A self-described "trailer-trash kid," he lived in the city of Fontana, a high-crime area then derogatorily called "Felony Flats. "The California Highway Patrol and LAPD have shown that there are ways to work around the issues that have been brought up. "My exposure to these things has given me a different insight," he said. San Jose Inside. He openly criticized the department's RedMan training of deputies, who spar with a proctor who wears a fully protective padded suit, after the 2020 death of a recruit during an intensive defensive-tactics-training session. California Penal Code Sec. Can California's power grid handle a 15-fold increase in electric cars? The Board of Supervisors. He would institute listening sessions with the community and hear about any problems people have with deputies or other personnel, he said. Christine Nagaye A reformer who supports 'full transparency'Christine Nagaye has used challenges throughout her life to achieve her goals. Capt. On July 20the first day of criminal grand jury proceedings to hear evidence in what Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen believes was a bribery conspiracyDeputy District Attorney Matt Braker had just finished laying out the prosecutions theories when he called first witness to the stand: Sgt. With election day less than a week away, the Santa Clara County Sheriff's race is down to two candidates: Bob Jonsen and Kevin Jensen. The incident was a brazen riff on Californias carefully crafted concealed-gun permit law, but it emerges as typical of Santa Clara Countys freewheeling, pay-to-play version of the process, as alleged in testimony detailed in 900 pages of grand jury transcripts released late last month. Her top brass faces charges of corruption and bribery, and the state attorney general is investigating her office for civil rights violations. Sitting in an office all day would drive me nuts. He said Smiths alleged mismanagement as the longest-serving elected sheriff in Santa Clara County has destroyed lives and violated the most basic of civil rights of inmates and created a dystopian place of horrible suffering., Smith did not directly address Liccardos call for her resignation, but when asked whether she intended to step down, she said, At this time, no.. Redwood City Pulse, 2023 Mountain View Online As coordinator of the Antelope Valley Crime Fighting Initiative, his programs reduced crime by 29%, and the initiative received the statewide James Q. Wilson Award for Community Policing in 2010, he said. He said he would also work to break the cycle of fear and intimidation in the jail, where inmates have created a self-governance culture. "The number one change she would make as sheriff is increasing transparency. She would retrain more deputies who are on patrol in these skills and add more mental health services onto PERT teams. "One of the first things he would do is work on changing the culture in law enforcement toward being forthcoming about bad players and incidents they see while on the job. I am exposed to it. Calls friendship with Christopher Schumb a fatal conflict that cannot be ignored and impediment to fair trial. The state Attorney General's Office cleared Christopher Schumb of two felony charges Monday morning, citing lack of evidence. Jonsen, 59, a Palo Alto resident, has worked in law enforcement for 36 years. He also wants to restructure the jails to become educational facilities to help people develop skills so that they can get jobs and not offend again. He would establish school-outreach programs to educate children on crime prevention, gang activity, substance abuse, internet crimes and other offenses to which they can become prey. Both required discipline and commitment, attributes she said are important to achieve success and to lead.Nagaye, 50, has been with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department for 20 years and has been a supervising sergeant for six years. On Aug. 31, on the first arraignment date for the case. James Jensen, attorneys Harpaul Nahal and Christopher Schumb and gun dealer Michael Nichols go to trial on Nov. 2. PR MediaRelease As the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office remains embroiled in controversy over alleged corruption and mismanagement, five candidates vying for Sheriff Laurie Smith's seat will be tasked with proving they can restore public confidence in the law enforcement agency. But the biggest driver of CCW applications, by far, according to Glennon, was Capt. And the issue that has drawn the strongest scrutiny is the sheriffs allocation of concealed-carry weapon permits, the licenses that allow civilians to legally carry handguns in public. "Your job is never retribution," he said. There's already a common practice in law enforcement to switch to a different channel for private conversations. Former Pleasanton cop found not guilty of murder in DUI crash It all seemed to unravel after an executive security agent with no history of support for Smith forced his way into the VIP realm with a really big check. "I think we just need to not just work on the reactive piece, that means getting Narcan into people's hands, but really work on the preventive piece of reducing supply and demand and make sure that people have access to treatment if they developed an addiction," Sussman said. In the 20 years I've been in this agency I only used pepper spray one time and I was ordered to use it," she said.During her training sessions, Nagaye said she focuses on getting deputies to stop thinking about "going hands on" with inmates as a first resort. He would support deputizing mental health professionals to work in the jails. A look inside San Jose politics and culture. (Illustration by Kathy Manlapaz). Christine Nagaye. During her training sessions, Nagaye said she focuses on getting deputies to stop thinking about "going hands on" with inmates as a first resort. Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff 3 years 10 months Public Information Officer (PIO) Apr 2021 - Present1 year 2 months Deputy Sheriff Aug 2018 - Apr 20212 years 9 months Office. I would take things to heart and they would get an answer," she said. "Jail reform and use of forceNagaye supports having a civilian watchdog to audit law enforcement practices and the management of the county jails. Despite the city's settlements for excessive force by his department, Jonsen noted that the city paid out less than $1 million compared to the county, which has paid more than $20 million. The grand jury convened July 20 of this year and handed down its indictments Aug. 6. "I understand the need for community-based, world-class law enforcement. Instead, he chose a career in law enforcement so he could institute reforms while keeping the public safe, he said.

Metodolohiya Ng Kapitan Sino Ni Bob Ong, Matt Amadio Biography, Articles S

santa clara county sheriff pio