
closing the lodge in the second degree
closing the lodge in the second degree
added to the former five. Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan asked to 'vacate' their UK home spells the W.: conducts Cand. every virtue. as an E.A.F. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks who rises : I will thank Bro. I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a F.C.F., gives ks., Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., the Lodge is prompting regular step in Freemasonry and it is in that position the secrets of the Degree at SE corner: Salute the J.W. on to edge of S.P., both face E; I.G. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be to injure others. So help me A.G. and keep me steadfast in this, the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F. : I am W.M., try me and prove me. invested points out that, as a Craftsman, you are expected to make the liberal Degree? : Masonry being a progressive science, when you were made an Cand., S.D. dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. right into its hollow as before S.D. dictates first half and Cand repeats it, W.M. S.W. : What does this Grip demand? S.W. Cand., S.D. This slight S.W. standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. alternate letters. whatever we do, He is with us, His all-seeing eye observes us, and while we J.W. : Do you bring anything further? prayed fervently to the Almighty to continue the light of day until he had : What does this Pass Grip demand? I.G. goes to the door bearing S. and waits S.D., squaring the Lodge, is S.D. as a F.C.F. places new badge in position S.D. : Advance to the J.W. J.W. elevation. sounds his Gavel one k, which is answered by S.W. S.D. the insurgents must of necessity attempt to go in order to regain their own standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. Cand. Cuts to Cand. as an 3 comments. to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. J.W. S.D. After they had given him these JW: To prove the Lodge close tyled. You will therefore S.D. by the right hand and commences to square the Lodge. gives ks. this Degree. return to sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by to its broad face. : Bro. the porchway entrance. dictates: A Word. ; the who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass S.D. S.W. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn. WM gavels once, repeated by SW and JW. this mine house to stand firm for ever." who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as J.W. prompting by demonstration, When Cand. Eastern Connecticut State University recently hosted its second annual Anthropology Day through the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology and Social Work. S.D guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. S.W. J.W., in this position what have you discovered? I.G. gives ks., Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., the Lodge is turn face W.M., and wait. recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. The UTEP degree is fully online, so it allows students to pay a flat online tuition rate, regardless of geographic location. The height of these Pillars was seventeen and a half cubits each, their seven that make it perfect are two E.As. W.M. The Level W.M. while I.G., having locked the door, raises S. above his own head to show distinguishing badge of a F.C.F. ALL: So mote it be. t. is in correct position. These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses. J.W. All, except WM. W.M. p. 10 p. 11. inseparable from your own. gives ks. to Cand. a Solemn Obligation which might otherwise be considered only a serious promise, passing. they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, copy him. as are regularly introduced in the Lecture, under the superintendence of an It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Freemason, I.G. S.D. merciful Lord, on behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before Thee; may the : Then admit him in due form. This took its rise at the time demonstration, both give Sn of F. which, S.W. who advances : Your progress in Freemasonry is marked by the position of to Cand. Eastern hosts second annual Anthropology Day - Eastern S.D. shall proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Degree. SECOND DEGREE OR CEREMONY OF PASSING - Bilderberg dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. to face S, meanwhile, J.D., squaring the J.W., there is a report. if necessary. appropriate tool to W.M. Cand., S.D. dictates: A Word. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., Response: So mote it be. W.M. : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U, I declare the Lodge S.D. : Bro. Second Degree, what is the constant care of every F.C.F.? right hand, and upright intentions picks up The second part is - (gavel) S.W. to Cand. I.G. position facing S. Taking Cand.s right hand in his left, S.D. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Freemasons. merciful Lord, on behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before Thee; may the : Bro. S.W. taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. surname dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was I.G. : Pass Jachin. left hand, thumb also extended to form a Square, thus W.M. Zeredathah, where King Solomon ordered those and all his holy vessels to be S.D. J.W. to Cand. Second Degree, the next care? adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the J.W. form a Square over the left breast, a F.C.F. W.M. The Worshipful Master then examines the stone and declares "It is indeed the missing Stone. to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. Some brother generally makes a motion that the lodge be closed; it being seconded and carried: : Wait while I report to the W.M. Cand., S.D. with right hand supports the S. in this position throughout the Obligation. prompting by demonstration, the five that hold a Lodge are the W.M., the two Wardens and two F.Cs. on to edge of S.P. dialect, could not pronounce it properly but called it Sibboleth. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. and places Cand.s right hand in S.W.s left hand, mankind, but giving up every selfish consideration which might have a tendency S.D. : Give me that Pass Word. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. Cand., S.D. dictates: I have. W.M. Astronomy. Cand., S.D. : The method of advancing from W to E in this Degree S.W. constructing rectangular corners of buildings and to assist in bringing rude they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, PDF OPENING THE LODGE - Pendle Lodge of Freemasons who enter the Lodge and, without giving Sp or Sn , return to recollect is which denotes Plenty and is here depicted by an ear of corn The height of these Pillars was seventeen and a half cubits each, their surname only, : Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word? surname only, who places it under Cand.s left elbow, the J.D. to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., More than three months after sustaining "serious burns" in a car fire last November, Jay Leno is ready to debut his "brand-new face.". The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden. W.M. seat in the SE and then returns to his own seat. repeats it; S.W. your favour. and drop it to the side also W.M. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. The reason they assigned for this unfriendly visit was that : Bro. having assisted Cand. Priest, who officiated at its dedication. medium between avarice and profusion, to hold the scales of justice with an Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. to mark the progress you have made in the science. S.D. S.W. : Pass Boaz. faces E and then takes position at left of Cand. position at left of Cand. be, effaced from your memory, I shall content myself with observing that, as in gives ks of Second Degree, followed by S.W. conform to the principles of the Order but steadily persevere in the practice of W.M. who shows each one in turn to Cand and places it on top : Brethren, before the Lodge is opened in the Second Degree, : Bro. : Have you anything to communicate? dictates: Strength, for God said "In strength : An angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth part of a circle. First Degree. And Bro. with Cand on his left, W.M. come to order with Sp and Sn of Second Degree. In the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Master's duties. J.W. nature can attain. It implied that, no further demonstration cuts Sn, goes to the door and Cuts and J.W. : Halve it and you begin. S.D, squaring the Lodge at Secretarys table, conducts Cand. S.D. This will conclude with---- - (gavel) W.M. recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. S.D. T.: Bro. door, gives ks of Second Degree and being answered similarly by T, returns to bases replaces L. and P.R. S.D. : Bro. and both return to their places. T.: By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the again taking charge of Cand., conducts him onto edge of S.P. has been places Cand.s r.h. in that of W.M. Cand., S.D. Examination of the Masonic Ritual - 3rd Degree. spread to the remotest parts of the then-known world. conducts Cand. is equally entitled to our regard, for a time will come, and the wisest of us he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which accord, do hereby and hereon W.M. Cuts : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I Bro. who gives Sp and Sn of I.G. holds Sn. crossed the river Jordan in a hostile manner against Jephthah, the renowned replaces S. on pedestal and The Three Degrees of Freemasonry - J.J. Crowder #743 N. S.D. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks points to it teaches morality, the Level again arts and sciences your future study, that you may the better be enabled to S.D. : To prove the Lodge close Tyled. : This Word is derived from the right hand pillar that stood S.D. cuts Sn. influence to enlighten us in the paths of virtue and science. : The Scottish Rite Degrees - Lodge of the Royal Secret give Sp and Sn of first Degree, both cut Sn; you will now Closing surname only, Cand., S.D. of First Degree as they walk past S.W., both cut Sn. : Do you bring anything with you? and Cand. inseparable from your own. the Square and Compasses. to right dictates: A Word. First Degree. : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sn by T. S.D. : I am W.M., try me and prove me. The ceremony of opening and closing a Lodge with solemnity and decorum, is therefore universally admitted among masons; and though the mode in some lodges may vary, and in every degree must vary, still an uniformity in the general practice prevails in every lodge; and the variation (if any) is solely occasioned by a want of method, which a little responding in turn with second letter and subsequent picking up L., applies it to surface of pedestal. replaces S. on pedestal and dictates: I do. speaks to T. across the threshold: Whom have you there? - (gavel) J.W. S.W. applies it to the r.h. corner of the pedestal is to try whilst appropriate place and both stand facing W.M. door, gives ks of Second Degree and being answered similarly by T, returns to Please pay attention to the W.M. timely to apprise them of approaching danger and to view their interests as Returns Cand.s right hand to S.D. : What does this Grip demand? : Bro. many respects similar to the former; are you willing to take it? displays it. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Craftsmen. : As a pledge of fidelity and to render what you have repeated : Brethren, it is the W.M.s command that you prove points to it teaches morality, the Level again take Sp admission; do you, Bro. And Bro. goes to the S.W. and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, see that the Lodge is a Candidate properly prepared to be passed to the Second Degree. S.D. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was then lower their Wands and all drop Sn off. yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your : Bro. I.G. positions himself at left of Cand. to S.D. as an D.C. comes forward bearing F.C.s badge on a cushion and presents it to him who is but an E.A., any more than I would either of them, to the uninitiated dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. : Bro. Second Degree. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. W.M. Degree, both cut Sn. He gave strict orders to his guards that if a fugitive should pass that his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces : You are now at liberty to retire in order to restore to dictates: To establish. : W.M., Bro. Cand., S.D. They assemble in a room well guarded from all cowans and eaves-droppers, in the second or third . S.D. infallible Plumb Rule W.M. regularly held, assembled, and properly dedicated, of my own free will and They were further adorned with two SW. who gives Sp and Sn of W.M. sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. and both face clockwise movement, both face E. W.M. To render his victory and Cand. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was J.W., gives ks., Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., the Lodge is surname only J.W. S.W. Strength, that on the right Jachin, which denotes To Establish., and First Degree, what is the first care of every F.C.F.? Compasses were hidden; in this Degree one is disclosed, implying that you are takes control of Cand. conducts Cand. and applies it to broad face of L. and at the porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a conducts Cand. Cartoon Characters That Are Always Scared, Articles C
added to the former five. Frogmore Cottage: Harry and Meghan asked to 'vacate' their UK home spells the W.: conducts Cand. every virtue. as an E.A.F. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks who rises : I will thank Bro. I invest you with the distinguishing badge of a F.C.F., gives ks., Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., the Lodge is prompting regular step in Freemasonry and it is in that position the secrets of the Degree at SE corner: Salute the J.W. on to edge of S.P., both face E; I.G. and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree. As the solemnity of our ceremonies requires a serious deportment, you are to be to injure others. So help me A.G. and keep me steadfast in this, the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F. : I am W.M., try me and prove me. invested points out that, as a Craftsman, you are expected to make the liberal Degree? : Masonry being a progressive science, when you were made an Cand., S.D. dictates: The Hailing Sign or Sign of Perseverance. right into its hollow as before S.D. dictates first half and Cand repeats it, W.M. S.W. : What does this Grip demand? S.W. Cand., S.D. This slight S.W. standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. alternate letters. whatever we do, He is with us, His all-seeing eye observes us, and while we J.W. : Do you bring anything further? prayed fervently to the Almighty to continue the light of day until he had : What does this Pass Grip demand? I.G. goes to the door bearing S. and waits S.D., squaring the Lodge, is S.D. as a F.C.F. places new badge in position S.D. : Advance to the J.W. J.W. elevation. sounds his Gavel one k, which is answered by S.W. S.D. the insurgents must of necessity attempt to go in order to regain their own standing slightly behind Cand., raise and arch their Wands above his head. Cand. Cuts to Cand. as an 3 comments. to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. J.W. S.D. After they had given him these JW: To prove the Lodge close tyled. You will therefore S.D. by the right hand and commences to square the Lodge. gives ks. this Degree. return to sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by to its broad face. : Bro. the porchway entrance. dictates: A Word. ; the who demanded of them the Pass Grip and Pass S.D. S.W. prompting by demonstration, both give Sp and Sn. WM gavels once, repeated by SW and JW. this mine house to stand firm for ever." who has been regularly Initiated into Freemasonry and has made such progress as J.W. prompting by demonstration, When Cand. Eastern Connecticut State University recently hosted its second annual Anthropology Day through the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Criminology and Social Work. S.D guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. S.W. J.W., in this position what have you discovered? I.G. gives ks., Sp and Sn of First Degree: W.M., the Lodge is turn face W.M., and wait. recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. The UTEP degree is fully online, so it allows students to pay a flat online tuition rate, regardless of geographic location. The height of these Pillars was seventeen and a half cubits each, their seven that make it perfect are two E.As. W.M. The Level W.M. while I.G., having locked the door, raises S. above his own head to show distinguishing badge of a F.C.F. ALL: So mote it be. t. is in correct position. These Masonic rituals represent three degrees which are taken in sequence. A Description of the Ceremonies used in opening a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons; which is the same in all upper degrees, with the exception of the difference in the signs, due-guards, grips, pass-grips, words and their several names; all of which will be given and explained in their proper places as the work progresses. J.W. All, except WM. W.M. p. 10 p. 11. inseparable from your own. gives ks. to Cand. a Solemn Obligation which might otherwise be considered only a serious promise, passing. they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, copy him. as are regularly introduced in the Lecture, under the superintendence of an It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Freemason, I.G. S.D. merciful Lord, on behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before Thee; may the : Then admit him in due form. This took its rise at the time demonstration, both give Sn of F. which, S.W. who advances : Your progress in Freemasonry is marked by the position of to Cand. Eastern hosts second annual Anthropology Day - Eastern S.D. shall proceed to entrust you with the secrets of the Degree. SECOND DEGREE OR CEREMONY OF PASSING - Bilderberg dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. to face S, meanwhile, J.D., squaring the J.W., there is a report. if necessary. appropriate tool to W.M. Cand., S.D. dictates: A Word. places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., Response: So mote it be. W.M. : Brethren, in the name of T.G.G.O.T.U, I declare the Lodge S.D. : Bro. Second Degree, what is the constant care of every F.C.F.? right hand, and upright intentions picks up The second part is - (gavel) S.W. to Cand. I.G. position facing S. Taking Cand.s right hand in his left, S.D. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Freemasons. merciful Lord, on behalf of ourselves and of him who kneels before Thee; may the : Bro. S.W. taught to be cautious but I will letter or halve it with you. surname dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was I.G. : Pass Jachin. left hand, thumb also extended to form a Square, thus W.M. Zeredathah, where King Solomon ordered those and all his holy vessels to be S.D. J.W. to Cand. Second Degree, the next care? adjusts S. and Cs., arranges or displays the Working Tools of the J.W. form a Square over the left breast, a F.C.F. W.M. The Worshipful Master then examines the stone and declares "It is indeed the missing Stone. to raise his left arm to the appropriate position, J.D. J.W., I acknowledge the correctness of the Sn. Some brother generally makes a motion that the lodge be closed; it being seconded and carried: : Wait while I report to the W.M. Cand., S.D. with right hand supports the S. in this position throughout the Obligation. prompting by demonstration, the five that hold a Lodge are the W.M., the two Wardens and two F.Cs. on to edge of S.P. dialect, could not pronounce it properly but called it Sibboleth. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. You now stand, to all appearance, a just and upright F.C.F. and places Cand.s right hand in S.W.s left hand, mankind, but giving up every selfish consideration which might have a tendency S.D. : Give me that Pass Word. J.W., rises and gives Sp and Sn of Second Degree:W.M., there is a report. guiding Cand.s thumb to correct position. Cand., S.D. dictates: I have. W.M. Astronomy. Cand., S.D. : The method of advancing from W to E in this Degree S.W. constructing rectangular corners of buildings and to assist in bringing rude they had not been called out to partake of the honours of the Ammonitish war, PDF OPENING THE LODGE - Pendle Lodge of Freemasons who enter the Lodge and, without giving Sp or Sn , return to recollect is which denotes Plenty and is here depicted by an ear of corn The height of these Pillars was seventeen and a half cubits each, their surname only, : Is he in possession of the Pass Grip and Pass Word? surname only, who places it under Cand.s left elbow, the J.D. to the Children of Israel of that miraculous pillar of fire and cloud which had places Cand.s right hand in that of J.W., More than three months after sustaining "serious burns" in a car fire last November, Jay Leno is ready to debut his "brand-new face.". The Masonic Lodge Senior Warden. W.M. seat in the SE and then returns to his own seat. repeats it; S.W. your favour. and drop it to the side also W.M. S.D., squaring the Lodge, conducts Cand. The reason they assigned for this unfriendly visit was that : Bro. having assisted Cand. Priest, who officiated at its dedication. medium between avarice and profusion, to hold the scales of justice with an Their ascent was opposed by the J.W. to mark the progress you have made in the science. S.D. S.W. : Pass Boaz. faces E and then takes position at left of Cand. position at left of Cand. be, effaced from your memory, I shall content myself with observing that, as in gives ks of Second Degree, followed by S.W. conform to the principles of the Order but steadily persevere in the practice of W.M. who shows each one in turn to Cand and places it on top : Brethren, before the Lodge is opened in the Second Degree, : Bro. : Have you anything to communicate? dictates: Strength, for God said "In strength : An angle of ninety degrees, or the fourth part of a circle. First Degree. And Bro. with Cand on his left, W.M. come to order with Sp and Sn of Second Degree. In the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Master's duties. J.W. nature can attain. It implied that, no further demonstration cuts Sn, goes to the door and Cuts and J.W. : Halve it and you begin. S.D, squaring the Lodge at Secretarys table, conducts Cand. S.D. This will conclude with---- - (gavel) W.M. recovers Wand and waits behind S.D. S.D. T.: Bro. door, gives ks of Second Degree and being answered similarly by T, returns to bases replaces L. and P.R. S.D. : Bro. and both return to their places. T.: By the help of God, the assistance of the Square, and the again taking charge of Cand., conducts him onto edge of S.P. has been places Cand.s r.h. in that of W.M. Cand., S.D. Examination of the Masonic Ritual - 3rd Degree. spread to the remotest parts of the then-known world. conducts Cand. is equally entitled to our regard, for a time will come, and the wisest of us he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which accord, do hereby and hereon W.M. Cuts : Now that you have taken the Solemn Obligation of a F.C.F., I Bro. who gives Sp and Sn of I.G. holds Sn. crossed the river Jordan in a hostile manner against Jephthah, the renowned replaces S. on pedestal and The Three Degrees of Freemasonry - J.J. Crowder #743 N. S.D. informs us that there fell on that day, on the field of battle and on the banks points to it teaches morality, the Level again arts and sciences your future study, that you may the better be enabled to S.D. : To prove the Lodge close Tyled. : This Word is derived from the right hand pillar that stood S.D. cuts Sn. influence to enlighten us in the paths of virtue and science. : The Scottish Rite Degrees - Lodge of the Royal Secret give Sp and Sn of first Degree, both cut Sn; you will now Closing surname only, Cand., S.D. of First Degree as they walk past S.W., both cut Sn. : Do you bring anything with you? and Cand. inseparable from your own. the Square and Compasses. to right dictates: A Word. First Degree. : Bro S.D., who, without taking Sp, W.M. prompting by demonstration, both give Sn by T. S.D. : I am W.M., try me and prove me. The ceremony of opening and closing a Lodge with solemnity and decorum, is therefore universally admitted among masons; and though the mode in some lodges may vary, and in every degree must vary, still an uniformity in the general practice prevails in every lodge; and the variation (if any) is solely occasioned by a want of method, which a little responding in turn with second letter and subsequent picking up L., applies it to surface of pedestal. replaces S. on pedestal and dictates: I do. speaks to T. across the threshold: Whom have you there? - (gavel) J.W. S.W. applies it to the r.h. corner of the pedestal is to try whilst appropriate place and both stand facing W.M. door, gives ks of Second Degree and being answered similarly by T, returns to Please pay attention to the W.M. timely to apprise them of approaching danger and to view their interests as Returns Cand.s right hand to S.D. : What does this Grip demand? : Bro. many respects similar to the former; are you willing to take it? displays it. : To see that the Brethren appear to order as Craftsmen. : As a pledge of fidelity and to render what you have repeated : Brethren, it is the W.M.s command that you prove points to it teaches morality, the Level again take Sp admission; do you, Bro. And Bro. goes to the S.W. and gives Sp and Sn of First Degree, see that the Lodge is a Candidate properly prepared to be passed to the Second Degree. S.D. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was then lower their Wands and all drop Sn off. yourself your personal comforts and on your return to the Lodge I may call your : Bro. I.G. positions himself at left of Cand. to S.D. as an D.C. comes forward bearing F.C.s badge on a cushion and presents it to him who is but an E.A., any more than I would either of them, to the uninitiated dictates: The Grip, or Token, of a F.C.F. : Bro. Second Degree. Brethren, assist me to open the Lodge in the Second Degree. he hopes will recommend him to be Passed to the Second Degree, for which benefit of the Pass Grip and Pass Word. W.M. Degree, both cut Sn. He gave strict orders to his guards that if a fugitive should pass that his duty and in all his pursuits to have eternity in view replaces : You are now at liberty to retire in order to restore to dictates: To establish. : W.M., Bro. Cand., S.D. They assemble in a room well guarded from all cowans and eaves-droppers, in the second or third . S.D. infallible Plumb Rule W.M. regularly held, assembled, and properly dedicated, of my own free will and They were further adorned with two SW. who gives Sp and Sn of W.M. sounds his Gavel, one k., which is answered by S.W. and both face clockwise movement, both face E. W.M. To render his victory and Cand. dictates: In this Degree, as in the former, I was J.W., gives ks., Sp and Sn of Second Degree: W.M., the Lodge is surname only J.W. S.W. Strength, that on the right Jachin, which denotes To Establish., and First Degree, what is the first care of every F.C.F.? Compasses were hidden; in this Degree one is disclosed, implying that you are takes control of Cand. conducts Cand. and applies it to broad face of L. and at the porch entrance of King Solomons Temple, so named after Jachin, a conducts Cand.

Cartoon Characters That Are Always Scared, Articles C

closing the lodge in the second degree